We have recently moved all our websites to a new faster server and unfortunately this has caused an issue with emails to Hotmail & Live addresses. These are incorrectly being marked as spam and blocked by these recipients and as such customers are not receiving their order confirmation/dispatch emails from Beeunique or account activation/reply notifications on the Forum .
If you are missing emails or your account is not being activated on the forum please use the Beeunique Contact Us form and we can get this resolved for you.
Apologies for the inconvenience caused and we should have this sorted within the next few days.
Am pleased to say this is all sorted now and customers/forum members should be receiving their emails and notifications as normal π
How do I change my email address on my account, someone has access to my emails and I want to change the account over to another email address *anyone*
Click on profile on the black banner under the main heading rainbow banner. Then hover over 'modify profile' and click on account settings. There's a field there to change it π