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Directions Turquoise with Lagoon Blue + Gradient

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New Member Guest

This is great! (Kind of makes me want to go swimming)

Posted : December 13, 2012 10:00 pm
New Member Guest

thanks guys!!!! im now happier with the faded version from my hair. just done a vitamin C treatment and i think the more it goes pastel, i love it more and more. *___* trying to fade moooarrr.

@Aeryu, oooh.. did you do this only for me or do you had the same idea? xP well thanks, i will see this result when im finished with my blue fetisch xPPP

Posted : December 18, 2012 11:41 pm
Honorable Member Registered

haha just happen to be on the same day and I took a photo to send someone xD
I have one extension in this mix without diluting (on 613 platinum blonde)

dry its a bit more neon but i think messing around with the ratio and diluting would make more fun colors πŸ™‚ (this is about 1:1)

Posted : December 19, 2012 12:28 pm
New Member Guest


Posted : December 30, 2012 6:33 pm
New Member Guest

I like the faded version πŸ˜‰

Posted : May 17, 2013 7:12 am
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