Hair Dye Forum

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Timeline Time with Doro!

New Member Guest

Extremely short for now, but who knows? It could grow. I bought some After Midnight Blue the other night, so I think I might give that a shot...But then, I'm really tempted for a purple shade of some sort...Hm...Anyway!

First, we have the natural shade. This is old, from mid-summer there-abouts. I actually didn't dye my hair until the end of September.

I'm not sure whether we'd bleached the strand at this point- either way, Enchanted Forest, all the way! This is when I was too chicken to dye my whole head.

Bleached, AND colored. πŸ˜‰ Enchanted Forest, baby. Lovin' it.

Got the guts to bite the bullet and do it!...For an anime con, ahahaha. And no, I wasn't any particular anime character ;). Boyfriend bleached my head fully, we left it on, and I became a brassy blonde...not very attractive, I might add! But yes. My Enchanted Forest turned out way too bright, and I wasn't very happy with it :(. It did last for a while, though...Two weeks, thereabouts.

This time I left the dye in for two, two and a half hours- followed it with a vinegar/water rinse before rinsing it completely. Turned out so much better! Didn't last as long, though, before I had to touch it up again :/. Still, I love what a rich color I had while it lasted! Lots of compliments and, most importantly, I was happy with it! It fades hideously, though. x_x Not EVERYWHERE, but roots, and various strands...

Aaaand here we are :). Had to touch up the last job- redyed with a mixture of Green Envy Amp, and Enchanted Forest. Didn't mean to order Amped, but wound up with it any way...Boyfriend, as always, helped out- but I did this one by myself, for the most part! I wrapped it up to let it set, and slept on it, so..Let it process for about 6+ hours, probably more. Blowdried it on occasion. Rinsed it with vinegar and water in the morning, and very little bled. So we'll so how long this lasts, but if not- well, it's not that hard to get some Green Envy at Sally's every two weeks or so!

So it's a shame, it sounds like a lot of you have had bad experience with Manic Panic, especially turning out the way you want it to :<. I'm proud to say I've had very good experience with it! I know it doesn't last all that long, and I'm looking for that secret way to make it last a month without touch-ups!

I find myself more and more involved with my appearance- it's funny, too, since maintaining hair requires a bit of... maintenance! Another thing I am beginning to dabble in is makeup- but I have NO idea what to do! Same with some cute outfits that might go with the hair...Any feedback would be MUCHO appreciated!

I'd love to hear your tips for making it last. Thanks for reading! Any feedback or comments are perfectly welcome!

Posted : October 28, 2011 8:58 am
New Member Guest

Love your green, and also your natural brown - so jealous :c My natural colour is dark brown as well, but it's a disgusting ashy shade that looks kinda grey :<
You can make the colour last longer by washing less (using dry shampoo) and using an SLS free shampoo (I think Pippachainsaw mentioned it before). Also anti-dandruff and medicated shampoos, as well as hot water, make the colour fade faster.
As for make up and outfits - some white pencil eyeliner on the waterline and inner corners and a liquid liner on the top lid and also some mascara can really bring out your eyes πŸ™‚
Also trying a green pencil liner or green eyeshadow (matching your hair) on your brows could be a fun idea to show off the hair more - other forum members do it too!
And maybe get some pretty accessoires like scarves that match your hair, they'll dress up any outfit in no time. Also some shoes or tights in the right shade can look lovely, or a hoodie - I love my turquoise hoodie to bits πŸ™‚ Or a hat - a cream coloured/"off-white" one seems to go great with green and blue ones. Maybe jewellry with green stones or something could be worth a try as well. Or nailpolish or something - there are tons of things you can try, and there are a lot of green nail polishes that you could try for cheap!
Have fun experimenting!:3

Posted : October 28, 2011 3:05 pm
New Member Guest

I love the green on you, it suits you πŸ™‚

erm as for make up I dont wear make up much so cant really help :/ but do usually match my eyeshadow to my hair when I do pop it on πŸ™‚

also agreed with the accessories to match πŸ™‚

Posted : October 28, 2011 4:07 pm
Famed Member Registered

Really like the green.

Dry shampoos (so you're not washing every day), vinegar rinses once a week and SLS free shampoos make a big difference to lasting power.

Make up is so much fun--  There's loads of really fun tutorials on that site!

Accessorising to match your hair and nail art is lots of fun, too.  I personally love sparkly things, so I tend to have a big, sparkly clip putting my hair into a quiff.

Find a style you love and work it πŸ˜€

Posted : October 28, 2011 6:01 pm
New Member Guest

Lovely! I too am a lover of enchanted forest. Miss it quite a bit actually. It lasts ages on me and I had to bleach bath it twice to get rid of pale mint fade after weeks of soap capping!
You really suit it and your natural colour is pretty too.
An asymmetric cut would set your hair colour off nicely (maybe a choppy fringe too?) and you would look great with flicky liquid liner.

Posted : October 28, 2011 7:36 pm