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Where do you want to go next with it Katie? πŸ™‚ I think pastels suit you terribly well, this colour accidentally turned out to be this amazing flawless mix of pink and coral that just says one thing to me: summer is coming y'all, YAAYYY πŸ˜€ nothing says summer like katie's corals~~ lol, good luck!

Posted : June 4, 2014 9:32 am
Prominent Member Registered

Aw thanks you two! My goal is to go  with Nirvel ArtX Nutre Color in Grey, it's a really dark, more neutral grey, but I may as well play around with pastels again while my hair is like this!

UPDATE June 6, 2014
I ended up bleaching my roots and I did another bleach powder + shampoo + coconut/olive oil treatment on it again. This time though it was on shampooed, non conditioned, wet hair, left under a cap for 5-7 minutes, warming it up for the first 2-3.

I still don't know what I want to do with my roots though! I may put a lilac toner over it all, just something to cool it off to bring me closer to dark grey

Topic starter Posted : June 4, 2014 4:00 pm
New Member Guest

I can't see the pics except the one in your avatar and to be honest? Turquoise and this light cotton candy pink are the only crazy colours I could ever go for, so me likeyyyyyyyy πŸ˜€ It looks stunning, girly, beautiful and just so soft! Loving it

Posted : June 7, 2014 8:47 am
New Member Guest

That blonde / pink combo looks really good! I know it's not planned but it looks deliberate!

Could you put some grey/silver streaks into it? So it's pink & silver rather than pink / blonde? (Not big chunks but kind of a wash effect like you've got with the blonde at the moment - not sure I'm describing it very well!)  Apart from that not sure - you could go just about anywhere with that at the moment.

Posted : June 7, 2014 10:14 am
Prominent Member Registered

Thanks you two so much πŸ™‚

Yeah I'm not sure what I'm going to do with it yet! I think I'm going to start a thread asking for some ideas πŸ™‚

Topic starter Posted : June 7, 2014 1:28 pm
New Member Guest

This colour is so flawless... I can't. Literally best hair ever right next to turquoise! Cant believe it's a fade from semi-perm purple dye! Unreal!

Posted : June 7, 2014 10:04 pm
Prominent Member Registered

Holy Pastel!

Okay so here it is!

I used Pravana Violet, Pravana Green and a little bit of Pravana Pink. I first did a violet toner over the whole thing but the line between the roots and lengths still seemed too severe, so I did streaks along my parting. I made streaks of the Violet + Pink over the roots in places to blend with the lengths more, then just used the violet on it's own, green on it's own, and mixed the two and just applied it kinda randomly. I am loving this though! A year ago with dyed black hair, I never would have thought I'd have pastel cotton candy hair in a year! I'm so happy with it πŸ™‚

Here, you can see the blue bits in the root area, that was made with just the Pravana Green diluted over the toned pale yellow. The more turquoise-y areas are the parts where the violet toner didn't take, so it's just the pure diluted green over pale yellow:

And one of my sidecuts. I decided to trim them back down again:

Topic starter Posted : June 9, 2014 9:38 pm
Noble Member Registered

This is incredible!! I am so in love with your hair πŸ™‚

Posted : June 9, 2014 9:46 pm
New Member Guest

Holy pastel is right - OMG, I just LOVE it to bits!

I'm so digging the multi-tonal effects, and you've used them amazingly well, it looks just incredible ... and right, what a change from pure black last year.  It's just soooo gorgeous!  *loveeyes*

Posted : June 10, 2014 12:20 am
New Member Guest

I wanna EAT your hair, it looks like multitonal pinky sweet candy floss, I love itttt!!

Posted : June 10, 2014 7:25 am
New Member Guest

Katie you have a scary knack of putting into practice the ideas I have for mine, but haven't worked out how to do it yet! 

I love it.  It looks sooooo cool.  The colours really suit your skin tone. 

I'm now going to go and decide whether to follow your exact processes in detail (or is that a bit stalker-ish?!) or rethink what I want to do with mine!  ::)

Posted : June 10, 2014 8:25 am
Eminent Member Registered

This is so, so beautiful! I'm jealous! I'm totally asking my hairdresser for candy coloured hair, I might get lucky!

Posted : June 10, 2014 8:48 am
New Member Guest

I love it!!! I love the icey pale colour going into the pink, so nice!!

Posted : June 10, 2014 11:41 am
New Member Guest

I'm this close in regretting going dark again. It looks great hun!  :-*

Posted : June 10, 2014 12:49 pm
Prominent Member Registered

Thanks so much everyone! I am so happy with it, I may even hold off on using the Nirvel grey for a while lol.

Katie you have a scary knack of putting into practice the ideas I have for mine, but haven't worked out how to do it yet! 

I love it.  It looks sooooo cool.  The colours really suit your skin tone. 

I'm now going to go and decide whether to follow your exact processes in detail (or is that a bit stalker-ish?!) or rethink what I want to do with mine!  ::)

LOL that is NOT stalkerish at all! Go for it, I think it would look great on you!

@Odette you could always just do a color remover to get you back to where you were! It's a tough process of going lighter with plenty of gross in between colors, like THIS:

Photo removed.  Please do not upload photos with our competitor's watermarks.
Omg I hated having to go out in public, it took everything in me to not rush it!

Topic starter Posted : June 10, 2014 1:32 pm
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