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Naomi's Timeline

New Member Guest

Here is my timeline, been meaning to do it for a while now. Unfortunately I'm not really one for taking photos of myself and so I know that I've been some colours that I don't have photos of. I've had some real hair disasters as well, and I wish I had photos of when I got my hair from black to white in about a week, and how it was just elastick-y and snapping off. I had to cut it all off into a pixie style hair cut which I hated, and so I have no photos of me from this time. But it'd be a good warning to people, and hopefully they'd learn from my mistake!

Here's what I've found, mainly dug up from my old myspace account...

2005, underneath directions flamingo pink

2006, i had the underneath half directions flamingo pink, half stargazer african green but unfortunately I can't find any pics apart from this friends webcam screen shot which doesn't show it at all! it looked pretty cool from the back though.

2005, with my pet rats, directions atlantic blue

2006, this was after I'd gone from my previous black to white, and had to have it all cut off, and then proceeded to dye it black again for some reason, with flashes of stargazer golden flame.

2007 crazy colour capri blue

2007, my 18th birthday! stargazer african green

2007, I finally bit the bullet and went all over bright with stargazer magenta

2007 - 2008 directions violet, I loved this colour.

Because I had the violet hair for so long, I bought clip in blonde hair extensions and dyed them violet. I didn't wear them often, only wore them on big nights out.

As much as I loved the violet, it turned grey really quickly πŸ™

Posted : October 20, 2010 7:54 pm
New Member Guest

2008 - 2009ish bleached white, no toner. not in THAT bad conditon for the amount of bleach involved

2009 - tried to tone the bleach blonde down, but it started looking overprocessed and over straightened so I got a lot cut off

2009 crazy colour capri blue

2009 directions lagoon blue

2010 directions atlantic blue

2010 SFX Virgin rose, I love this colour, except I felt like it started off too dark for my liking.

2010 very faded virgin rose

SFX atomic pink, prefer this to virgin rose really

2010, I jumped on the SFX Atomic Pink and SFX Napalm Orange bandwagon as I got bored with the pink. Can't really see it, I'll try and get a better pic soon. Love the pink and orange though, and I love how its so easy to maintain. Blues and greens need topping up too much for my liking!

Hope you like my sketchy timeline!

Posted : October 20, 2010 8:03 pm
New Member Guest

the violet really suits you. i think it still looks pretty nice grey =)

the lagoon blue is ace! and you look great with the pinks and orange. you're a lucky girl being able to get away with such a variety of colours. *jealous*

Posted : October 20, 2010 8:06 pm
New Member Guest

The violet is a really nice colour πŸ™‚

Posted : October 20, 2010 9:13 pm
New Member Guest

Hehe, I love how the two pet rats look like one really long one wrapped round your neck lol! I love ratties, I have an "old man" here who's brother and cage mates died off a year ago but he's still hanging on, bless him.

You look great in all sorts of colours so I'm not surprised that Pippa's jealous! I like you in the bleach blonde, green fringe and all over pink.

Posted : October 21, 2010 8:50 am
New Member Guest

You have a Cavalier πŸ˜€

I used to have a tri-colour but she died last year now I have a black and tan πŸ™‚

All the colours look great! I especially love the violet.

Posted : October 22, 2010 12:59 pm
New Member Guest

the violet really suits you. i think it still looks pretty nice grey =)

I totally agree!

the lagoon blue is ace! and you look great with the pinks and orange. you're a lucky girl being able to get away with such a variety of colours. *jealous*

So many colors that just work well for you! I wish I could get away with all those colors

Posted : November 17, 2010 1:29 am
New Member Guest

thanks guys!

Yeah pippa I loved the violet, I still have loads of tubs left because I used to bulk buy it when I went to newcastle and never managed to get through it all! I think I will go back to it after I finish with the atomic pink.

I find that I suit violets/greens/pinks/some blues much much better than I do red. Red just makes me look yellowy. Although people at work told me I looked ill when my hair was blue!

I loved the Lagoon blue, I was so disappointed when I went from that to Atlantic Blue, it was so murky in comparison. I guess the name Atlantic should have told me that lol. The capri blue was a bit weak as well.

And Matty, I loved my rats, Louis and Patrick! Sadly they died some time ago and now I live in a rented house where we're not allowed animals πŸ™ one day I'll get some more! Theyre so much friendlier than hamsters I think! People get disgusted by them though which is sad πŸ™

I liked my bleach blonde too, I actually liked it more when it was curly like this:

and kittylost, I love Max! He is an amazing dog, just wants cuddles all the time, and  I get especially big cuddles now I only see him every coule of weeks. Cavaliers are the best, I'm sorry about your tri-colour. Sadly, Max has syringomyelia so he's on loads of tablets and one day his symptoms will get so bad that we'll have to make the decision to put him to sleep πŸ™ but he's alright now which is the main thing! I'd never get a pedigree after Max, all the inbreeding is awful.

Posted : November 20, 2010 3:34 pm
New Member Guest

The blonde curly looks cute too πŸ™‚ sorry to hear about Max but you're right at least he is doing good now! It is terrible all the inbreeding and the randomly mixing breeds. You never know what's going on with the dogs or what they could be affecting by. I love cavaliers though! They're such a comfort dog, doing whatever you want to do.

Posted : November 20, 2010 11:39 pm
New Member Guest

Yeah i love how cavaliers just follow you around, and want cuddles all of the time! They're just no bother at all.

and i love their fluffy tails πŸ˜›

Posted : November 21, 2010 2:26 pm
New Member Guest

And their curly ears! haha

Posted : November 21, 2010 5:16 pm
New Member Guest

you looked great with green hair!

Posted : January 10, 2011 8:21 pm