i heart the last photo's you added *jealous*
I love the colour in number 3 and the cut in number 5. Amazing
You are amazing at takin pics!
Love 3,7 and 8 (from the top) on you! 😀
Oh my gosh 😀 you are all so nice.. and pretty! 😀 makes me happy ^^ I love taking pictures, and I'm quite self centered, so yeah XD but thanks everyone, I think I'll put up some pictures of my new hair that I did today, what do you guys think?
I'd love to see how it looks! 😀
do this.immediatly! thank you 😉
pretttyyyyy =]
Looks awesome! Especially in UV 😀
Also, I love love love your glasses!
yeah UV is awesome 8D haha I actually don't need glasses, these are just "clear" or whatever you call it ^^ I styled them with tiny beads too 😀
Looks great!
amazing! i also heart your glasses