Heys, kept meaning to post pics up sooner of my hair colours, but i dont own a camera till recently but i have pics from my uni friends.
HOWEVER!!!! Im drunk... just alot in most of these pics so there not flattering nor focused on the hair itself...
UV Green
I call it Acid yellow
Light or sky blue with lil bit of violet
Had to add this, pink wigged blue haired panda getting... just deserves lol
Boring black for work... sigh
I got more but this should be more then topical lol
wanna see more just say, if i owe you a new pair of eyes due to having to violently rip your own out then... also say and i'l see what i can do π
Pink haired panda? Dare I ask... actually no I don't lol!
The blue/violet is really your thing! I love the combo.
i heart the geen and you friends tatt on her arm
i heart the geen and you friends tatt on her arm
That green is awesome but blue is best
Is the UV Green the new Stargazer one?
I love the blue/violet π
I too love the blue/violet combo, got alot of people asking if it was fading if not in good light,
yes nickki, its the UV green from this range
It really does glow and for a long time, i was using harsh hair products cheap hair spray and glue or sweat proof strong gels, and washing it more then i would purely because of the products and yet it remaind glowly, i actually really highly rate it.
I love blue but i got so much attention and good comments from the uv green and its UV!!! lol i cant help but wanna go UV green again.
I have bleach and i think enough uv green to re do it and i notice theres no pics, id be happy to re do my hair and take some pics of just my hair for the gallery and not my stupid face π if you wanted some pics???
Are you wearing blue contacts in the pic with your awesome uv hair?
i know the black is the most boring but it's really nice. The pink panda look is quite adventerous. You must take good care of your hair between dye jobs as it looks in good condition from the photo's.
I'm always jealous of male hair. It grows faster and can withstand more!
I keep lol-ing at the last pic cos there's a definite resemblance to Nasty Nick Cotton from Eastenders ;D
I keep lol-ing at the last pic cos there's a definite resemblance to Nasty Nick Cotton from Eastenders ;D
LOL no you mention it i see it
Yep blue uv contacts
Nasty nic Grrr lol again wasted n just had been had ago lol
Obj and I've always had very straight shiny hair n no secrets use whatever products I find during bathshowers usually cheap crap if I do loads of bleaching I will put cheap asda cond for 24p in my hair for 20-30mins but I'm just lucky
Ye my hair grows fast but that's not a boy thing just a short hair thing lol