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Gorgeous! The brown dreads and the purple that follows them are my favourite! ^^

If you don't mind me asking - I notice you have two rings in your nose, but they don't seem to be that far from each other? How are they placed? I always intended to do mine twice, but when I got my first one done years ago, my piercer at the time was very keen on having each of his piercings looking 'just right' (part of the reason I picked him if I'm honest), and wasn't too keen on placing it deliberately too far forward or back to allow space for the second one. Now I think that if I get another, it will end up too far forward or too far back where the cartilage is too thick. As a result I'd given up on the idea of ever getting my second one. But I notice that one of yours seems very similarly positioned to mine, so I'm thinking there might be hope after all... ?

Posted : May 7, 2012 1:09 am
New Member Guest

Yeah they were quite close together! I hadn't considering getting a second one when I got the first, so it was quite central. The second one was done in front and slightly higher up. Here's the best pic I could find of how they were positioned

I've since taken one of them out (had to tone down my piercings for work) so I can't take a better quality photo! Hope that's helpful anyway πŸ™‚

Posted : May 7, 2012 5:30 pm
New Member Guest

Eee, thank you, that makes so much sense now. May actually get my second one done after all! Was it a pain to heal up with the other one next to it, or was it okay?

Posted : May 7, 2012 5:47 pm
New Member Guest

I love the turquoise, and all your piercings too

Posted : May 7, 2012 5:52 pm
New Member Guest

Nope the healing was fine πŸ™‚ I was a bit paranoid about it migrating being so close to another hole so I made a special effort not to fiddle with it... until it was healed :p What I did find slightly annoying was having ball closure rings, because having two balls in one nostril made it a bit harder to breathe, and the rings didn't sit nice and parallel with the balls bashing together. You could go for smooth segment ones, but I ended up just taking the balls off and squeezing the rings so they couldn't come out easily πŸ™‚

Posted : May 7, 2012 5:59 pm
New Member Guest

my fav colour is the purple! and I LOVE those massive over-sized dreads! so much more funkier than the skinny ones!

Posted : May 30, 2012 12:21 pm
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