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Going from black to white/silver hair.. My time line so far..

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So, for the past 3-4 months, I have been bleaching my hair. I have done 1 color remover, it did nothing though.
I have bleach my hair 3 times and have done 1 bleach bath. My hair has gotten SEVERELY damaged. I have had to cut off a lot of the damage. Which sucks. But, ehh, I can live with it. My hair is still damaged, but its getting better. My hair still isnt the color I want, but it will be with time.

The pictures will be from where I started to what I am at now.
You'll notice how long my hair was when it was black and how short it is now. It was bleached verrry unevenly.
My roots got really light really quickly.

I can only put 5 pictures on this, so I will reply to this with a few more pictures of what my hair is like now.

1 & 2 - Black, long healthy hair.
3 - After color remover and 1st bleach
4 - 2nd bleach
5 - 3rd bleach

Posted : September 19, 2012 10:50 pm
New Member Guest

These picture are what my hair looks like now. A lot shorter.
The lengths of my hair are still orange, and very dry, so I always leave it up to kind of hide it. πŸ™‚
My hair will eventually be the color I want.
Will update when I do more to my hair when it is healthy enough to bleach bath again.

1 - after bleach bath
2 - My super light roots
3 - meeee

Posted : September 19, 2012 10:55 pm
New Member Guest

I don't know how you have kept it so healthy looking, my hair would be on the floor from falling out πŸ˜› good luck with the white.

Posted : September 23, 2012 8:24 pm
New Member Guest

Its really not very healthy. Well I guess my shorter layers are, but the longest layer of my hair is sooo NAPPY. Like its terrible, its not falling out, but its breaking off, its crispy, a tangled mess. I just use a lot of deep conditioner, and olive oil, I've used mayo, all sorts of crap. But the longest layer will not get healthy, and I refuse to cut it. "/
But thank you for wishing me luck. "D

Posted : September 24, 2012 9:19 pm
Noble Member Registered

what does nappy mean? (from the UK, so I don't really know much American slang!)

I like your final colour, very natural looking and pretty. I would say get a few little inches cut off the ends (as damage can travel along your hair) and really baby your hair and take it easy on the bleaching

Posted : September 24, 2012 9:24 pm
New Member Guest

Awh thanks. πŸ˜€  Lol. Nappy, means, its just nasty and gross and blaaah terrible looking. But just the bottom layer.
Which is why I put it up all the time so people cant see it, and the bottom layer is still really orange I hate it. But I don't plan on bleaching again for a while.

Posted : September 24, 2012 9:45 pm
New Member Guest

Lol nappy is what my black friends use to describe their hair where its really curly. Like very dry, brittle and curly.

Posted : September 24, 2012 9:46 pm
New Member Guest

lol. yes! In america a lot of use the word "nappy" or "naps" to describe our dry hair.
when I go to brush my hair I say "well I'm gonna go brush my naps." ahhahahahahah.

Posted : September 24, 2012 9:50 pm
Famed Member Registered

Its really not very healthy. Well I guess my shorter layers are, but the longest layer of my hair is sooo NAPPY. Like its terrible, its not falling out, but its breaking off, its crispy, a tangled mess. I just use a lot of deep conditioner, and olive oil, I've used mayo, all sorts of crap. But the longest layer will not get healthy, and I refuse to cut it. "/
But thank you for wishing me luck. "D

By not cutting it you're just allowing the damage travel further and further up the shaft, which means it will take longer (and more cuts) to get it back into good condition.

I'm glad to hear you're taking it slower now, though.

Posted : September 25, 2012 6:45 am
Famed Member Registered

Yeah, sorry, but you're going to continue having more and more problems if "its breaking off, its crispy, a tangled mess" because that is BADLY damaged. Like Intemp and Glitter says, it's just going to travel up the hair that might be in good condition and your problems will just go on and on. Putting it up to hide it won't be all that good either as it puts extra stress on it.

Posted : September 25, 2012 7:55 am
New Member Guest

Have a little faith will ya. My hair is better than it was a month ago, wayyy better, so I have faith that it will get better and I wont have to cut it. and yes I am taking it a lot slower now. Buying better stuff to treat my hair and what not, this forum helped me a lot. and I'm trying to get it to grow out little, then I will cut more off... Maybe. Truth is.... I have a really round head, and look terrible with short hair, I had short hair half of my life, and now it's long. I will die before I cut it short!! πŸ™  I have heard a lot of peoples hair stories, and not all of them resulted in cutting their hair off. It might be the best choice. But that doesnt mean its the only choice, eh. πŸ˜€ That will be my laaaaast resort.
Ohhh and I just bought some coconut oil. I can't wait to see what my hair is like after washing it out in a few days. Hopefully it will save my hairs life. I'm very optimistic. :DDD

Posted : September 25, 2012 11:19 am
Famed Member Registered

It's not really about faith, it's about experience. We've seen this before. By the time it's a last resort, then more has to be cut off and it's even more drastic. The damage you are describing is about the worst you can have, sorry.

Posted : September 25, 2012 11:42 am
New Member Guest

You could always cut the damage off and buy some extensions so it still looks long if you go out or whatever, but as the others said, once damage this severe is done, then its done. There's not much that will bring it back to full health except a good trim.

Posted : September 25, 2012 12:03 pm
Noble Member Registered

If it's just the bottom layer you could get away with just one strip of extensions too

Posted : September 25, 2012 12:04 pm
Famed Member Registered

We're not saying these things because we think that your hair is beyond repair, but really it isn't ... we know it is beyond repair because a lot of us have been there, done that once before.

If you don't get the worst of it cut off, it will just snap off and then it will look like some horrible beasty has chewed your hair, making it even more nappy.  With a trim, it may be shorter but at least the ends will be even and not exploded.

And when I say exploded, I'm not exaggerating.

 This is what your currently fried hair looks like under a microscope.  All of those frayed areas are why it feels rough and crunchy.  Imagine it without the tail bit, and that's what your hair will look like once it snaps.

Posted : September 25, 2012 12:05 pm
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