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A heavily edited, though not by choice, timeline (Updated 18th July 2014)

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Famed Member Registered

Crowcrow, I think old batch directions turquoise πŸ™‚

So went all pink after the orange and pink

Today I went and got more chopped off!

The second photo shows how short it is on the sides and back better than the first. The hairdresser was a bit of an a€#Β₯!?%e but he cut pretty well. He didn't like the colour, so I laughed at him! Didn't go down so well lol

Topic starter Posted : July 18, 2014 8:40 pm
Noble Member Registered

God your hair is gorgeous, I wish I looked as good
With these styles as you! Your hair is always inspiration for me.

Posted : July 18, 2014 8:57 pm
Famed Member Registered

Thank you! The funny thing is, this "I wish I looked as good with these styles as you! Your hair is always inspiration for me." is something I think when I see your photos! You're part of the reason I went short again πŸ˜€

Topic starter Posted : July 19, 2014 7:15 am
Estimable Member Registered

You really suit short- makes your face look brighter, if that makes sense.

I love your new cut and colour!!!

Posted : July 19, 2014 7:22 am
New Member Guest

The hairdresser was a bit of an a€#Β₯!?%e but he cut pretty well. He didn't like the colour, so I laughed at him! Didn't go down so well lol

Is it my impression only, that whenever a hairdresser is not very keen of whatever you got on your head, be it unnatural colour or a different haircut, they will ALWAYS point out how they don't like it... almost as if to say, well, you should have paid ME, cuz I know what's best! so frustrating

Posted : July 19, 2014 2:03 pm
New Member Guest

I love this so much!

Posted : July 19, 2014 10:58 pm
Famed Member Registered

The hairdresser was a bit of an a€#Β₯!?%e but he cut pretty well. He didn't like the colour, so I laughed at him! Didn't go down so well lol

Is it my impression only, that whenever a hairdresser is not very keen of whatever you got on your head, be it unnatural colour or a different haircut, they will ALWAYS point out how they don't like it... almost as if to say, well, you should have paid ME, cuz I know what's best! so frustrating

Oh definitely! I don't point out to them that I think their style choices are kinda ugly...

Topic starter Posted : July 20, 2014 5:27 am
New Member Guest

Wow Janine you literally suit any colour or style! I love it, and your hair clips just go so well πŸ™‚

Posted : July 20, 2014 10:42 am
New Member Guest

Oh My Goodness, I want all of these. Gorgeous styles, colors, headbands, jewelry hehe… I wish there was a Timeline to press on the top forum bar so I remember to peek at these. I always search "new"then finally see timelines and feel like I missed out on months of fun!.  I think your stylist must have been upset he wasn't a color pro! :laugh:

Blush,  I love them all.

Posted : July 29, 2014 10:33 am
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