Hi i am new to this site and i looked through the rules but cannot find the answer im looking for. I have commented on a few posts in the semi permanent forum today,is there a limit or sometging as to how many posts we can comment on? Because ive tried commenting on a couple more posts to answer peoples questions but it wont let me. I type everything in, click post, and it just does nothing. I havent been rude or spammy or havent tried to sell anything or anything like that. Ive always been nice, helpful to the best of my ability, and polite. So why is it not letting me comment on anything? Is there a limit as to how many comments you can make in a day? Or is it just a glitch? Thanks in advance for any helpful information π
It sounds like a glitch or something. Have you tried clearing your cache? Restarting? All the things that could be to blame basically π
Hi, I agree, it sounds like a glitch and thanks for letting us know about it.
There should be no limit on how many posts you can create or reply to, in fact the only limit should be how many private messages you can send per hour/day (again to minimise spamming).
As Janineb said, clear your cache and log out then in again and please let us know if it still happens. I have an over-ride system at this end so may be able to check further into this if you still get the problem.