Every now and then the forum has little glitches. Before you post about them please try a few things first:
Change your browser. The problem may be Firefox or IE or Chrome, not the forum. Trying another browser will eliminate this possibility.
If none of the browsers you try are helping then check your computer settings. Is your broadband on an allowance and is it used up for instance?
If you think you've checked everything and something is still not working then post here about any technical issues you may have. But first check all threads to see if your question has been answered in case we've already come across your problem and we've already given advice on it.
If you have a problem with the gallery, check for a gallery thread. If you can't change your avatar, again check for an avatar thread.
If your query is not answered in those threads then post in the thread to ask your question, rather than starting a new thread.
If you don't feel that any threads are relevant to your query please feel free to start a new topic and we'll answer you as soon as we can.
If you just need help finding your way around don't post in here. This section is purely for technical problems. For help and advice on adding photo's and uploading avatar pictures etc check here first:
Hopefully you won't need this section too often but technology isn't perfect and we endeavour to make the forum run as smoothly as possible, with your help. Thank you.