Hello everyone,
Basically I recently bleached my hair from black to what was an attempt of bleach blonde.. Idiotic I know! But now I have 3 different shades of blonde in my hair, I've managed to get a lot of the orange I had in my hair out with blue/purple shampoo & I'm going to attempt it one last time probably on Monday as my hair is quite dry at the moment & I don't want to keep washing it.
I originally wanted to go a nice pastel blue for the summer but at this point I realise that will be impossible without it turning some shade of green & I refuse to risk bleaching my hair anymore then I already have, so I'm wondering what about if I put Directions Turquoise diluted with conditioner over my hair now? As it's a bluey greenish colour would this be a bad idea? I basically just want a colour that's going to be as even as possible, but would still like to be able to dilute it so it's not too bright, I don't mind if I can't achieve any pastel shades, I just don't want a BAM in colour if that makes any sense :-
I've attached some photos so you can get a rough idea of what I've got, please excuse the puffiness, I have wavy hair but brushed it before taking pictures.. Anybody that can help out *thx* *thx* *thx*
Diluted turquoise wouldn't be even over all of your hair, the darkest parts at the bottom would still be much darker. I'm Not sure even undiluted turquoise would cover the darkest parts evenly. How much have you processed that hair?
Take in mind the new batch of turquoise is dodgy, for some (including me) it went much more uneven than before, harder to remove and in general the colour is FAR more teal than it used to be.
Diluted turquoise wouldn't be even over all of your hair, the darkest parts at the bottom would still be much darker. I'm Not sure even undiluted turquoise would cover the darkest parts evenly. How much have you processed that hair?
Mmm, I didn't think it would work.. Glad I asked before actually doing it!
Well it was dyed black, so to get it where it is it was bleached twice.
Oh, I only recently bought the turquoise as well.. Definitely will give that colour a miss.
Moderator combined posts. Please do not double post.
For future, DON'T bleach from black. First use colour removers to get rid of as much as the colour as possible. Then a week later bleach. Plus, never bleach twice in less than a month. (The latter you might have done, but I have to mention it in case others read this as decide to bleach more than once in a short time frame.
You could still try a colour remover on the ends. It may take out a bit more of the orange.
I did let the black fade, it wasn't from a straight dyed jet black.. Was probably more of an off black brown but I definitely won't make the mistake of doing it so quickly! My hair is definitely a little fried at the ends but nothing a lot of loving can't fix over time. You'd of think I'd of learnt my lesson as I done the same thing when I was 17!! *gun* Is there a any brand of colour remover you'd recommend?
What country are you in? π
The UK π
Ah, that's good for you then, there's lots of options!
I like Decolour Remover best and have found it most effective. However, it is expensive. If funds are short I'd suggest going for something cheaper because I'm unsure of the results you'll get (how effective it's going to be). If not, then go for this one! You can get it online or in Boots.
JoBazz is one of the cheapest I believe. I've not used it as I just can't find it in my area (despite being in North London!) but others think it's great. I think you can get it in places like Savers (though the one nearest me doesn't have it).
Colour B4 is also pretty good and a little cheaper than Decolour Remover. You can get it in several places, but definitely Boots and Superdrug π
Like I say, it might not do much at all, but it's definitely worth a try! It's a little drying, so make sure you have some deep conditioner handy to use after.
Ooh I think that orange is nice. What brand/shade did you use?
That looks amazing!
I like the orange. And I think it will fade nicely too. Just to jump in, I also had darker ends because they were stained from dyes and the roots were fresher and got lighter. I think you hair was bleached lighter overall than I could get mine. I had a few brown stains and a lot more orange-ginger. But I ended up doing a reverse ombre since that's what was going to happen anyway. If you are open to that, you can do one color shade on top and a darker version on bottom and still get a color you want overall, just not all one shade/lightness.
Sorry guys for not replying.. Had problems with my internet!
@Martgakins the colour was the XXL Ultra Brights but it's not great, I found it washed out pretty easily & was quite drying.
@Cordula Ahh thanks, it did fade to a nice peachy colour but that soon washes out, in person it was like a reverse ombrΓ© much more vibrant on the top & lighter going down to the ends, now it's all a faded peachy colour with the roots still slightly more orange but fading as much as possible as wanting to change the colour π
Also as it's a peachy colour what would suggestions be for dying it pink?
I think you would need a cool toned pink to counteract your peach else it'll go salmon-y.
Maybe a diluted Rose Red (fades out pink & lasts really well)
I am sure someone more experienced will reply with other options as well