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what should I expect?

New Member Guest

Hi, I had finally gotten my hair a wonderful white / silver colour but then for some reason I wanted bright red! So I went all over with directions pillarbox red and Im liking it but I'm just wondering how difficult will it be for me to get back to the white/ silver I had before? Will I have to full on bleach it at some point? Will it ever be white again? Thanks for any help  😀

Posted : June 30, 2014 10:43 pm
Famed Member Registered

I wouldn't hold my breath on ever getting back to white.  Reds stain, and they stain badly.  You will probably have an orange tinge for quite some time even after the red fades.

Posted : July 1, 2014 5:06 am
Famed Member Registered

Yep, bleaching probably wouldn't make it white again either. So please don't just reach for the bleach. If your hair was already white, then it won't take much more bleaching, if any.

Posted : July 1, 2014 5:21 am
New Member Guest

Yep, bleaching probably wouldn't make it white again either. So please don't just reach for the bleach. If your hair was already white, then it won't take much more bleaching, if any.

Offtopic but similar issue. Does blue stain as badly as red? I had yellow/pale yellow hair, dyed them light lavender, then blue, if I wanted to come back to yellow in let's say a year's time, is it gonna be a lot of hard work?

Posted : July 1, 2014 8:17 am
Famed Member Registered

It depends on the blue. It's better for a separate topic though, so if you'd like to know more best to ask in a thread alone. That way people looking for the same answer can search for it  🙂

Posted : July 1, 2014 8:20 am
New Member Guest

Thanks for the replies! So is their no hope for returning to white? Even if I fade out as much as I can and use a hair colour remover? If not would the stain most likely be light enough to put a nice blue over it?  😮

Posted : July 1, 2014 1:23 pm
Famed Member Registered

It's not that there's no hope. It's just that most of the time it's not going to happen and you'll be left with orange staining, so don't set your heart on anything. You might be lucky... but it's a slim chance.

You *might* be able to get a dark blue, but as orange is the opposite of blue it will go muddy if you use a mid to lighter blue. All you can do is try, see how light you get.

Posted : July 1, 2014 1:52 pm
(@Wicked Pixie)
New Member Guest

It can be done, I have done it on my daughters hair, but it wasn't an easy process. We had to bleach bath and use colour removers, she had to lose a few inches afterwards. (She had waist length hair before)
If you only dyed it red once there is less chance it has stained, but it has a lot to do with the porosity of your hair, certain areas of my daughters hair that were more damaged really held onto the colour. Overall her hair was in good nick, I think that is why we managed to get it out. There are a load of fading methods to try, and if you are left with a pink or orange tint you can still tone it to a colour you prefer.

Posted : July 1, 2014 3:52 pm
New Member Guest

thank You so much for the response, I'll worry about it if I ever want go back natural lol

Posted : July 3, 2014 7:03 am
(@Wicked Pixie)
New Member Guest

Crow crow, my response was aimed at the OP. I have been dyeing my hair various shades of blue for the last 18 months, and there is no way I can get back to blonde. It fades to a very pale, almost white shade of blue/silver now, (had it fairly pastel and lilacy since October) but after using turquoise it wouldn't fade past pale green for a really long time, colour remover and bleaching made no difference. Toning with pinky shades of lilac/lavender and not using any non-diluted dyes for the last 8 months is the only thing that has helped with the green. I could put a blonde dye over what i have now, but my white blonde base is gone forever.

Posted : July 3, 2014 8:40 am
New Member Guest

Ugh.. Okay. I will hold onto my belief that everyone's hair is different and that there's a slight chance of it lifting lol, thanks for the response!

Posted : July 3, 2014 9:50 am
(@Wicked Pixie)
New Member Guest

Also if your hair is in good condition you could be more aggressive with the fading treatments than i was. My hair is long and fragile so I have to be pretty careful with it

Posted : July 3, 2014 10:00 am