hiya im blonde atm but was red a while ago, still have the extensions to match and loveeeeee being red.
im hoping to become more skilled at having temporary colours actually temporarially now that i have a blonde base.
when i was red i was using semis (poppy, rubine and tulip in different ratios depending on what i fancied) on top of majicontrast as my base was dark.
however if i use a semi now on my blonde i know it'll take great but im wondering in your experiences what reds do or don't fade easily and how long it usually takes?
Ion and Manic Panic and Adore reds faded fast on my tips, SFX Reds, Oranges, Pinks fade in a month or more to light pinky colors.
I think if you mix them with conditioner or distilled water they will fade faster.
I am curious of this too.
Good Question!
Well ... the fastest fading red I had was a mix of Directions Tulip, Poppy Red and something else I can't remember.
It was over a soft purple base (faded blue velvet) and went a pinky-purple in the space of about two weeks.
MP Vampire Red washed out of my hair in about two weeks.
But the bases do stick around for a very long time, so be prepared for that. And the more often you use red, the longer it takes to leave, so again ... if you are planning on going red for six months and then blue or green, you'd probably need a good 3-4 months to try to fade it down as much as possible to prevent muddiness. Orange bases seem to be stronger than pink bases and the orange builds up over time and can be pretty difficult to remove.
thank you, that really helpfull!
Good to know, Thank you :D.