Hi there,
I can across this lovely forum when looking for tips on stripping my own hair but I have a question for you guys about something completely different lol! My mum had an allergic reaction to ppd a few years ago she swelled up really bad and had to be admitted to hospital now they say she can't use anything with ppd, ammonia or peroxide. She gets grey hairs which get her down so for the past couple of years we have been using henna and indigo to dye her hair but the process is so long to do do you guys know of any dyes she could use? She'd love to dye her hair black again the henna and indigo never get her as dark as she'd like. Also it's really dried her hair out any tips on what to use to get t back to a nice condition? Thanks xx
Henna and indigo shouldn't dry the hair out, they are really good for hair
It would be handy if your mum could find out specifically what she is allergic to, ppd, ammonia or peroxide as it is unlikely to be all 3 (most likely ppd)
All direct dyes sold on this site are ppd free, they don't tend to stick well on virgin hair though so she will need to find a method to open her cuticles to allow it to fully penetrate. A bleach bath or pre-softening with peroxide are what is normally suggested