While I had my Adore mixture soaking on my head, I noticed the bottle said to shampoo and towel dry first. I didn't, I used clarifying shampoo and let it dry and applied the Adore to dry hair. Did I do it wrong? My hair soaked up two entire bottles of dye and felt really nice afterwards, I love it! It's a bit dark right now though but I know it'll fade so I'm fine with it. I didn't expect such full coverage with Adore. I did a strand test but only left it on 15 minutes, I left the full head on for an hour.
I mixed 1 bottle paprika, 1 bottle copper brown, and 1/2 bottle honey brown. My hair was a very light orangey brown and is now a very dark brown and in the light the red is very intense. I need to play around with my colours a bit more but I'm going to stay with Adore, it's really very lovely stuff. My hair is finally looking healthy again.
Nope it's really just preference. Some people don't have any issues and prefer to put it on damp hair, but some prefer putting it on dry hair.
I like putting my dye on damp hair as I find it easier to spread, but I know a lot of people who do it on dry hair and feel they get better results that way.
My hair is on the porous side so if I put dye on damp hair I'm just wasting my time. My strands are too busy being saturated by water to take up any color. Also, with Adore in particular being so runny any added moisture makes it even messier.
My hair is on the porous side so if I put dye on damp hair I'm just wasting my time. My strands are too busy being saturated by water to take up any color. Also, with Adore in particular being so runny any added moisture makes it even messier.
Interesting, I have porous hair and find if I put the dye on dry hair I use up three times as much dye without a better result! Added to that, I have so much hair I just can't get it through dry hair and end up with a patchy result.
So yeah, it's totally personal preference and what works better for you.
I was wondering about something, I have one spot on my head right in the very back that is more dry and damaged than the rest for some reason. My Adore colour is fading faster on this part than the rest of my hair. . Is this normal and if so is there anything I can do about it?
Dye tends to fade faster on damaged hair as the cuticle is open and lets the color out. All you can do is really condition your hair , use a reconstructor and dont use heat until your hair gets healthier.