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Uneven base with purple dye

New Member Guest

Hello! I'm new to posting so sorry if I've done something wrong, I'm still learning!

I'm looking for advice - I've been wanting purple hair for EVER and recently have been lightening my hair with more bleach baths than I care to count (only weak ones!). I now have orangey blonde hair however it is quite uneven and is much lighter near the top than at the bottom even though I attempted to steer clear of leaving bleach near the roots too long. There are also a few patches which are quite a bit lighter and some darker than the majority.
I've bought Directions Plum and Violet and I was planing to mix the two.

So my question is: Will it look bad if I put the purple on now? Will the dye be uneven, should I attempt to lighten some of the darker bits?

Thank you for any advice! This forum has been my saviour!

Posted : April 3, 2014 6:07 pm
New Member Guest

Both of those colors you got are very blue based purples, so if you don't have a clean blonde(at least yellow, no orange) you will get a very murky brownish color since blue tones orange.  You could probably get away with a very pink based purple as they are much more forgiving to a less than perfect base.

Posted : April 3, 2014 6:24 pm
New Member Guest

Thanks for replying πŸ™‚ I probably should have added that my hair is more of a brassy yellow than ginger, I tested out a large strand underneath and the colour is pretty much spot on to how I wanted it, however this strand was quite an even colour so it went on well. I'm just not sure that it will go over the darker/lighter bits evenly... Like will I end up with really bright purple roots?

Its currently like this but with some more blonde and mousey bits (I think I've added an attachment but I'm not sure hahah)

Posted : April 3, 2014 6:43 pm
(@Wicked Pixie)
New Member Guest

Are the darker parts where you had used permanent dyes previously? If so a colour remover will really help.
Getting an even base will ensure an even colour, and most of all an even fade. Deep colours will cover and hide an imperfect base, but you will have to constantly keep the colour topped up to avoid a murky fade.
I have also had the best results with blue toned purples over a pale yellow base, any hint of gold ruins the colour, although other people can get nice purples over a darker base.
I would say don't rush, get your base as even as possible before adding any colour.

Posted : April 3, 2014 6:46 pm
New Member Guest

If you use Directions Plum on that base it will probably get a warm shade of purple, a bit more on the pink, but it will definitely cover the uneven areas. I have had uneven bleached areas in my hair and once it was dyed, I couldn't notice any differences from the even parts. I'm not sure about the Violet though. I used it a couple of years ago but stopped after the first pot. It looked weak on my hair and seemed to wash away easily.

Posted : April 16, 2014 11:16 am