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Toning Down with Natural Blond

New Member Guest

I made a purchase a week or two ago, and after trying it out yesterday, I went back and bought another 6 bottles (for £2.50 a piece, didn't break the bank).  The colour is Crazy Color Natural Blond, and it must be a discontinued dye because I can't find it anywhere online, except my local hair place has got loads of it.

I wanted something to neutralise the Pravana Silver I've been toning with because it just seemed a bit too saturated, and over my yellow-blonde bleached hair, in some areas, the diluted purple seemed just that: a purple sitting on top of a yellow.  It is still the best toner I've used, but I wanted to tweak it a bit.

The Crazy Color Natural Blond dye did the trick, and I'm so chuffed!  I seem to have achieve a very cool and natural, toned blonde.  So if you love to see pictures as much as I do, here are a few.

The dyes smudged on a white surface, and the cap of the Natural Blond so you can see the colour as it comes.  Of course, the Pravana Silver is a very vivid colour, and the Natural Blond seemed very cool and neutral (unlike all the natural semis, which all seem to be warm tones):

The mixture, diluted in a white, very cheap (and funnily enough, silicone-free!) conditioner:

And a shot of the top of my head as it looks now... sorry I have no before pictures of my hair, but the change is so subtle, this picture may not mean too much to you:

So anyway, after my six bottles are used up, and if my local hair shop runs out, I'll be in search of something similar to the Crazy Color Natural Blond.  Have no idea how it will fade or how long it will last... time will tell.

Posted : April 27, 2014 5:28 pm