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Toning Choices

New Member Guest

My blonde hair seems complicated at the moment, and I’m trying to sort out just what combination of colours to use next as a toner.  Last weekend, I faded as much of the toner as I could so I could see what I’ve got, and though it did not all come out, I’m left with various colours.

The lightest bits are yellowy-white, which is expected.  The next level is now an orange-yellowy tone, but it seems to have held onto some of the blues from my purple toners, so it all is just a bit overcast with a hint of green.  Although due to the variations of the yellowy-white and orange-yellows and how they're so interspersed, it would be a right pain to foil out sections and re-tone separately!

And of course there are still a couple inches, hidden within the back lengths, which never lifted to a very light blonde and I've learnt to live with them.  Since I faded the toner, they are back to a light ginger again.

I think if I were to ask someone on the street to choose a primary (or secondary) colour that my hair tends most towards at the moment, they’d probably answer a greenish-yellow.  My goal is to neutralise, so I’m thinking perhaps toning with a red-based purple, or adding a drop of cool red to the toner?  Of course adding anything with a red base may stain, so I'd have to use very little; it would also probably intensify the remaining ginger, unless I foil out just that section, which might be doable.

Other suggestions?  😀

Posted : April 17, 2014 11:10 am
(@Wicked Pixie)
New Member Guest

It might be a silly question, but have you washed with clarifying shampoo etc to remove all the traces of your old toners?

Posted : April 17, 2014 1:44 pm
New Member Guest

Thanks, I should have mentioned!

I did colour removers and clarifying shampoo about a month ago, and last weekend did the "dandruff + bicarb + vitamin C", which did pull out a lot of toner, probably all the good colour molecules that were keeping it from looking too ginger but left green behind!  All methods seem to leave this ever-so-slight greenish tint, so I think I may have exhausted the fading processes.

So perhaps I'll do some test strands with the tiniest drop of red + silvering stuff, or a reddish-purple, or use up the rest of my Pravana Silver (although that won't hide the green).  I'd say a bleach bath would zap the last of the greens, but I will definitely assess my hair before putting any bleach on the lengths again.

Maybe a bleach bath of say 90:10 (shampoo:bleach), lathered in for a minute to eat up the residual dye, that's probably about all the bleach bath I'd allow on my hair now, ha ha.

(The reason I'm conscious of green again is because last weekend my visiting friend was very honest and said she saw green.  And I wonder if the Crazy Color Violette I've been using as a toner is more blue-based than I realise and fades to more of a green... need to stick with Pravana Silver!)

Posted : April 17, 2014 2:40 pm
(@Wicked Pixie)
New Member Guest

I thought you probably would have lol
Violette definitely has turquoise undertones, so could well be your culprit. You could try using bleach powder and hot water to remove the staining, many people seem to be finding it really effective, definitely worth strand testing for.
If you need to tone out the green, I would go for a pink over a red. Pink will make the green pull towards lilac which I think is more the shade you are looking for, whereas red will pull towards brown.

Posted : April 17, 2014 3:03 pm
New Member Guest

Whoa, Wicked Pixie, such great advice as always!

So like a bleach powder rinse then?  That's something new to me - I will try that, as I've learnt from here that it's not necessarily the bleach that does the damage, but the peroxide + bleach.

But failing removal of the residue from the (ah-ha!) turquoise-based Violette, I didn't even consider a pink.  Yes, I'm definitely after lilac, so that is such brilliant advice.

Thank you again - I will be trying some of your suggestions this weekend. 😀

Posted : April 17, 2014 6:10 pm
(@Wicked Pixie)
New Member Guest

You are more than welcome, I hope you get the results you are after 🙂

Posted : April 17, 2014 6:27 pm
New Member Guest

Whoa, Wicked Pixie, such great advice as always!

So like a bleach powder rinse then?  That's something new to me - I will try that, as I've learnt from here that it's not necessarily the bleach that does the damage, but the peroxide + bleach.

Please update on how you get on with the bleach and water mix. I'm eager to see if it works for you because I'm in a similar hair situation currently but out of bleach powder.

Some parts of my blonde hair are still not quite pale yellow/yellow because they wouldn't lift anymore after more than one bleaching, probably stained but like yourself are hidden so don't bother me too much. About 25% has a green hue to it, which is from CC Violette and Directions Violet (both were very diluted to pastel). The CC Violette is definitely blue based and alone went a turquoise shade after only washing it once with a clarifying shampoo. It did make me worry about using it all over so I mixed with Directions Violet as to me it appeared more a pinky purple. I applied that mix about 2 months ago and since then have washed my hair mainly in either clarifying shampoo or head and shoulders, I've also done a bi carb and anti dandruff shampoo mix but the green is just not budging. I did try a 10 vol bleach on one greenish strand and the green disappeared completely but my hair is pretty damaged so I'm just not comfortable with using anymore bleach, even if it's only a 10 vol, just to get rid of the green. I recently bought Colour B4 Fashion Colours but haven't got round to trying it yet.

Posted : April 18, 2014 2:03 am
New Member Guest

@RedHeadx, I'm pleased to report that the bleach powder + hot water was really effective!  It seemed to take the edge off the green tinge and did absolutely no damage whatsoever.  It's not 100% gone, but it's LOADS better Yep, upon second look now that it's completely dried, I'd say it's 99.9% gone!  Another excellent, safe way to fade dye before resorting to bleach/peroxide.

In my experience, the colour removers off the shelf do absolutely nothing for greens I've had in the past (greens due to different purple toners I've tried that seem to have very stubborn blue colour molecules).  Although I've tried them and always have hope they'll work, they really don't do much.  But worth trying since you've bought them.  I'd see how the bleach powder + hot water works first, as I think it's less drying than the colour removers.

Wicked Pixie, you're a genius!

P.S.  For fun, I bought Adore Violet Gem today - a very pinky purple.  Anyone know what base colour it is?  It looked far from blue, so I thought I'd give it a try.  Just for fun... I think my 'fun' is costing me some colour corrections, but it is all fun to be honest.

Posted : April 18, 2014 12:18 pm
New Member Guest

Thanks so much for updating Alexia, I'm glad it worked for you and will now be trying it for myself when I get some more bleach powder. I still haven't used the colour remover so I'm thinking of saving it for when I have a different colour and want to fade it

@RedHeadx, I'm pleased to report that the bleach powder + hot water was really effective!  It seemed to take the edge off the green tinge and did absolutely no damage whatsoever.  It's not 100% gone, but it's LOADS better Yep, upon second look now that it's completely dried, I'd say it's 99.9% gone!  Another excellent, safe way to fade dye before resorting to bleach/peroxide.

In my experience, the colour removers off the shelf do absolutely nothing for greens I've had in the past (greens due to different purple toners I've tried that seem to have very stubborn blue colour molecules).  Although I've tried them and always have hope they'll work, they really don't do much.  But worth trying since you've bought them.  I'd see how the bleach powder + hot water works first, as I think it's less drying than the colour removers.

Posted : May 2, 2014 2:18 pm