So I've now got a selection of silvering-type semis for after I bleach again (weeks away! :(),expecting to find ginger/yellows. I wonder what you think the main differences are in this selection of semis (photos from right to left, sorry for the icky splotches, but I thought they might help):
Crazy Color Marshmallow
Crazy Color Silver
Crazy Color Lilac
Crazy Color Platinum
Directions Silver
Crazy Color Silver and Platinum look like similar lightnesses, but when I took the cap off the Platinum, the pinks in it reminded me of the Marshmallow. I've used the Lilac before, heavily diluted, and it's worked like a charm to get rid of gingery tones.
And one question about the Directions Silver, which I've read such good things about - do you think it would leave any strong hints of blue, which I have trouble with at the moment... my hair hangs onto blue like you wouldn't imagine.
I've read on this forum that Marshmallow doesn't work too well (after I bought it), but used without diluting, it may help tone a bit... but I'm not certain. I admit I've used it in a melange of toners recently, so I can't really tell if it worked or not.
Any thoughts on this array of silvers I look forward to experimenting with... throw them all together (knowing me!) and see what happens? Ha ha.
Directions Silver and CC Lilac look like they would tone very brassy/orange tinged hair very well.
Marshmallow may tone yellow that is a stage away from "inside of banana yellow" to pale ash blonde, and Silver and Platinum I would think would only work on inside of a banana yellow hair to take it to silvery/white.