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Red hair dye recommendations

New Member Guest

Hello ladies, does anyone have any recommendations for a brand/shade of red hair dye that Dosent bleed everywhere quite so much? I love my Sfx candy apple red but unfortunately this particular colour seems to bleed onto pillow cases/bath mats something terrible, so is there an alternative dye that possibly isn't quite so messy?or do I have to just deal with the stained pillowcases/bath if I want vivid red hair? :)Thanks in advance for any advice!

Posted : May 24, 2014 12:14 am
Famed Member Registered

Adore has the least bleed of any red shade I've used (I've used SFX, Directions, Adore and Manic Panic).

I'd mix Crimson with Intense Red for a Candy Apple type of shade.

Posted : May 24, 2014 9:36 am
Prominent Member Registered

I would listen to Intemp, she knows her reds very well! ๐Ÿ™‚

If you haven't already, add some conditioner to your dye. With SFX you can usually add 1 part conditioner to 3 parts dye, sometimes even diluting it by half doesn't even effect the color. Even if you just add a good squirt of conditioner to your dye though it usually will help with bleeding a lot. Also using only cold water on your hair, doing a vinegar rinse after dying, or at least blasting it with cold water when you're done

Posted : May 24, 2014 6:17 pm
New Member Guest

Thank you ladies for your help! When you say add dye to conditioner, do you mean for between washes to too up the colour or while actually dyeing my hair? Sorry if that's a daft question, my brains tired  ๐Ÿ˜ฎ I shall check out adore hair colour also. I always give my hair. Blast of cold water usually when washing ๐Ÿ™‚

Posted : May 24, 2014 9:49 pm
Prominent Member Registered

Yes you can add some dye to.your normal conditioner to keep the color topped up, but Iwas rreferring to actually adding conditioner to your dye when you're dying your hair. Put your dye in a bowl, then add a big squirt of conditioner to it, mix, and apply it to clarified, non conditioned product free dry hair. Put a cap over it, ypu can warm it up with a dryer, just make sure its cool when you go to rinse.

Adding conditioner to the dye like that is called diluting it. It really really helps with bleeding. Using only cold water too, not just at the end but anytime water is running through your hair, if its cold all the time it will bleed a lot less. And doing a vinegar rinse helps close the cuticle + really helps a lot too.

SFX is extremely highly pigmented, very concentrated. The hair can only hold so.many color molecules, the excess will bleed. Its like filling up a box with tennis balls, only so many will fit, if you keep trying to put more in it, they will just fall out. Or, have you ever used MAC eyeshadow? Where you only need to brush it on once or twice and the color is vivid and saturated, vs a cheap, talc-y shadow where you apply it a million times and it's still sheer + really translucent? That's why with most colors from SFX, it really makes a big difference diluting it with cinditioner. Most peoples hair cant hold SfX used neat without diluting it, it will bleed.

Posted : May 25, 2014 3:41 pm