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Pravana violet or pink over faded SFX AP? Unbleached brown.

New Member Guest

I've got unbleached medium brown hair dyed with SFX Atomic Pink. Since it's getting harder to find SFX, I've decided to branch out. Right now I've got the AP faded to a reddish color, but obviously it's not all out since I dye it every couple months. It's definitely faded a LOT though.

So, would I be best off using Pravana violet or pink over top of what I've already got? Or buy both and mix them together? Not sure what the bases of those 2 colors are, so not sure which (or both) to purchase. Don't even know what color I'm going for, as long as it looks good. I just am not sure what will happen when I dye over this AP. Any thoughts?

Posted : March 4, 2014 3:23 am
New Member Guest

Pravana pink is a pastel lilac-type color. I just used it.

Posted : March 4, 2014 3:57 am
Famed Member Registered

Sfx is going to be back in stock everywhere very soon. No need to replace it, just hang in a week or so πŸ™‚ it doesn't sound like the pravana would be dark enough to cover anyway.

Posted : March 4, 2014 7:49 am
New Member Guest

Oh good, in that case, I can definitely wait. Thanks!

Posted : March 4, 2014 10:27 am
Prominent Member Registered

I would definitely wait for SFX. For future reference though, Pravana pink is very light, slightly darker than pastel, cool toned pink. Their magenta is darker but fades very fast, the pink fades even faster, faster than any of the other original vivids. The violet is a pretty true violet, it doesn't fade blue, green or purple, just lighter shades of violet + is one of the longer lasting colors along with their blue and yellow

Posted : March 4, 2014 6:03 pm
New Member Guest

Good to know, thank you. I went through a few pics here and on Amazon and they looked dark-ish. So glad I didn't order any of those then! The violet sounds so pretty....wish I could bleach to try it.

Posted : March 5, 2014 1:20 am