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pimpin purple questions

Reputable Member Registered

...i've used pimpin purple before, but i have questions for you guys!

right now, my base is virgin rose-- i bleach bathed and did this color about six weeks ago.  my color is still going strong, it's super vibrant!  but, the problem is that i have about two inches of re-growth already.  my natural color is a light ashy brown, and somehow the roots peeking through make my hair look kinda gross- almost like it's greasy when it's not.

so the obvious thing to do is retouch my roots, but i'm pregnant, and really would prefer not to touch bleach again until the baby's here. i'm trying to devise a plan to just HIDE my root growth.  i thought about black semis, but i'd rather something that won't completely undo my months of work trying to get my base even. 

so, now i'm wondering if pimpin purple could be a solution here??

i remember it being rather dark to begin with, and then fading very pink.  i'm considering coloring the very top portion of my hair with the purple, and leaving the rest of my hair the virgin rose, since it's still so vibrant.  my hope would be that it would mask my visible roots so i can go my last three months without bleaching again.  i have three bottles, and what i'm planning wouldn't require much dye, so i can keep touching up as my roots come in, and worst case, color my whole head purple. you guys think that pimpin purple could cover my root re-growth and eventually blend into the pink?

or does anyone have any suggestions for me?

edit to add pics, one in sunlight, one under artificial light.

Topic starter Posted : May 19, 2014 6:38 pm
New Member Guest

Sfx will tint your roots, but it wah out of virgin hair pretty quickly. That being said, pimping purple should blend pretty well. Although it will be much darker on the actual root. :-/ of course I've heard the new batches of sfx are much darker. My last experience with pimping purple was a decade ago and it wasn't that far off from your current color with it bleached beneath.

Posted : May 20, 2014 7:12 pm
Prominent Member Registered

I've never used Pimpin Purple so I can't really comment on that specifically. Semis have a hard time sticking to virgin hair though, sometimes they won't take at all, or they'll fade out after a wash or two, etc. So if this does end up applying to you with whichever color you choose, you could try presoftening your roots by scrubbing them with shampoo + baking soda (or developer, but you may feel safer with baking soda since you're pregnant), and you can even cap it and apply some heat to it for 10 minutes, then wash it out in hot water really well, then apply the dye.

Again I've never used it so I can't really say much about Pimpin Purple, but I think Deep Purple would be really cool to use πŸ™‚ You could even dilute more where it meets the Virgin Rose and pull it down a bit so you have an ombre

Posted : May 20, 2014 7:21 pm
Reputable Member Registered

@replicant-- my experiences with pimpin purple were years ago as well, and i remember it starting as a nice, true purple, and eventually fading to what i have now.  which, tbh, is kinda why i'm considering it.  i worked really hard to get my hair to be an even color, and i'd hate to undo that now.  so if the purple fades to a color not far off from the virgin rose, i'd be happy! 

that said, the three bottles i have are NEW, so lord knows how the color will actually turn out.  maybe it'd be better if it's darker, anyway.

@katie-- my original thought was to section off the very top portion of my hair and dye it (maybe in the star pattern, like i've seen you recommend to some other people!), but i'm kind of curious about doing an ombre like you're suggesting here... it might be better to have all of my roots covered instead of just hiding them.  but, what would you say is the best way to go about doing an ombre from the roots down?  my hair's pretty long-- about waist atm, and i'm not sure how i'd leave dye to set in it without getting the purple all over my lengths

oh, also-- when i used deep purple in the past (looong time ago, mind you) my hair ended up looking black, with a slight purple glint in the sun.... and my hands and face and neck, and everything else, were bright purple for days and days. lol.  so, that might cover my roots better, but i'm a little scared of it, tbh!! 

Topic starter Posted : May 20, 2014 8:32 pm
Prominent Member Registered

If you dilute it with conditioner it won't be as dark and it won't bleed/transfer nearly as much. If you do go with DP though, or really any color you choose, I would test strand it first though with a couple different dilutions to see how well it covers vs how dark it is

As far as doing the ombre yourself, it's harder than doing it on someone else! On someone else it's easy to just section it and put foils in between. Since your hair is so long, I think it would be easier to do it in 2 sections, the top half and the bottom half - you'll have a lot less hair to manage/work with, which can be overwhelming with very long hair! I would start with either/or, the top or bottom, and keep the half you're not doing in a tight bun and secure some cling film around it with the hair tie, you can even do it in a couple smaller buns too. I would divide the section down the middle, so you're working with the right half and left half of it. I would coat your ends/lengths in some oil or a silicone-y conditioner to help with the runoff when you wash it off. Then I would take the side you're working with, start from the bottom of it, keep the rest of it clipped up, apply the dye + blend it down (some people like to backcomb the hair a lot prior to help blend it more), and place a foil over it, the dye will make it stick to the hair. Then pull down on section at a time, placing a foil in between each. You don't have to do the foils though, some just split the section into a couple smaller ones and just apply the dye. I think the foils help though to keep everything separated. When you're done with that, rinse it out, then repeat with the other half of your head.

If you can get someone to help you rinse it out that would help a lot. Say you're leaning backwards over the sink, they can hold the ends of your hair up and out, like where the faucet handles are, and they can rinse it out that way for you so the ends are out of the way.

Posted : May 20, 2014 8:48 pm
New Member Guest

Seems like your q's were answered but I remember Pimpin Purple! That was our ish!  πŸ˜€ I still have some Raw Colors Deep Purple. Which those ones are way more deep blue than Pimpin. And hahaha yea it dyed my skin soooooo badly. I love your color now btw and honestly, if you choose to do nothing your roots are NOT that bad. (I know we bug out when it's on us, but you look lovely!) But if you really wanted to do an ombre, esp if you were thinking a Deep Purple, I'd dilute that and I'd also like, vaseline my lengths, cuz I'd be way too paranoid. Also of the bleed from that one. It's a real intense one. But if you do the roots with the Pimpin I think it would be less so.

Posted : May 21, 2014 12:16 am
New Member Guest

so the obvious thing to do is retouch my roots, but i'm pregnant, and really would prefer not to touch bleach again until the baby's here. i'm trying to devise a plan to just HIDE my root growth.  i thought about black semis, but i'd rather something that won't completely undo my months of work trying to get my base even. 

Not sure if this will help at all but you CAN bleach your hair while you're pregnant, just in a well ventilated area so you're not breathing in the fumes and stuff, so maybe outside if you can, not sure if it helps but it is safe, the link below doesn't say bleach but I spoke to my midwife and the hairdresser at my last trim and they both said no problem.

Posted : May 21, 2014 8:05 am
Reputable Member Registered

i ended up doing a bleach bath, after all.

i had bleached while pregnant with my first son, and i've bleach bathed once this pregnancy too-- i was just hoping to not have to do it often, and was trying to find a way out of dealing with my roots.  i thought about it, and really didn't want to undo all the work i'd done to even out my base.  so i opened a window in the bathroom, turned on the overhead vent, and didn't leave it on too long.

my roots are a yellowy color atm, and they blend waaay better with the pink.  so, happy ending.  thank you, ladies!

Topic starter Posted : May 21, 2014 1:43 pm