Hi guys!
I came on two weeks ago regarding a horrid full body swollen rash that happened 24 hours after having my hair bleached (badly, I hasten to add, damn you Rush Hairdressers!) and coloured with Bubblegum Blue and Manic Panic.
Now, it's washed out horribly, and I look an utter state and I cannot bear this greeny, yellowy, mucky colour my roots have gone, so i'm patch testing bubblegum blue, violette and atomic turquoise in dots on the inside of my elbow.
Now, I know obviously you're meant to look for irritation, but what exactly should I expect from it, as it's all dried on now after an hour of sitting on my arm, and there's no irritation or anything yet. Of course i'll wait until tomorrow, but i'm worried i'll end up with another full body rash, and I start my new venue (i'm a dj) this saturday and don't want to look a state!
If you have a rash it should itch/burn, the skin would probably turn red and sometimes even a little puffy. Most of the times it's advised to patch test for 48hours, but the tricky thing with hairdyes and skin reaction is that you might develop a reaction after the 48h-test period. Some reactions take days to fully break out..
Since you've had rashes before, If I were you I would ask a doctor's opinion on this. He/she might be able to tell you if you can dye your hair safely, maybe give you some anti-histamine treatment just to be sure nothing happens, even though you aren't getting any irritation at the moment.
The doctor has dismissed any other possibility without the option of anything else (there's another thread about it π ). It is likely it's the dye still, so just have to see how the test goes.
But theres nothing much more to look for, other than a rash Or any other irritation. I would definitely suggest you leave it on for 48 hours seeing as your reaction was so long after dying. You need to be reeeeally sure that it's not reacting.
I have just let it dry on, but it's not covered, i'm not sure if that changes anything. The only two other things I could have reacted to were the l'oreal infinie platine and the kerastase treatment. Seems unlikely somehow, but so far I have no reaction, but obviously, I didn't have a reaction for over 24 hours last time so i'm just going to let it sit. If I do dye my hair after no reaction, i'm thinking anti histamines beforehand would be a good idea. I have had anaphylaxis before and nearly died so I am pretty scared to say the least. On the other hand, I look awful right now. My hair is the colour of sludge and i'm not blessed facially. I need my unicorn mane!
Like the others said, just look for any sign of irritation (hives/rashes/etc).
In the meantime, do your hair in an updo. Faded/awkward hair always looks better and more intentional when it's in an updo.
If only I was any good at updo's! This is my time to learn though, and learn I shall.
One issue is I have to take a shower today, which would obviously remove the dye, how do I stop the dye from being washed off and thus not giving a true result, or does it not matter (I have no question mark key btw, not being rude!)
Put plasters over them!
Huzzah! Of course, okay, off to the chemists I go!