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Oh heck - I seem to have an allergy to sfx VR

New Member Guest

πŸ™ I think I have to accept that my skin has an intolerance to sfx. Noooooooooooo.  :'(

When I first used VR my scalp went itchy, but I assumed it was following a weekend of abusing my hair. Lots of washing, fading, CB4, coconut oil, bleach and colour over 2 days. I just thought the itch was my own fault and a lesson learnt. 

But yesterday I topped up the VR - no bleach or anything.  Just clarifying shampoo and straight into the colour. Today my scalp and ears are monumentally itchy, and there are lumps there as well.

Gutted, because this colour is my absolute favourite of all the ones I've tried. Plus I much prefer the lack of transfer & fade over Directions.

Any ideas on other brands I could try? I've never reacted to any other colour, but this is my 1st time with sfx, so not sure what would be in it that I'm reacting to.

Any useful ideas, suggestions on colours, or just general advice / sympathy would be appreciated.  :'(

Posted : April 19, 2014 6:04 pm
Famed Member Registered

I would do a skin yet to be sure it's that. It's likely, but you could have developed an allergy to something else and it's a coincidence. I find my scalp is tender and itchy when I use clarifying shampoo, my face also reacts to it if it drips over my skin, so it could be something like that?

Posted : April 19, 2014 6:19 pm
New Member Guest

It could be the shampoo, I had hideous troubles with my bleach baths using clarifying shampoo. My scalp would itch and crack from that shampoo even when I used it with out the bleach (although it was 10 times worse with the bleach). Switching to a non clarifying shampoo helped loads.

Definitely do a spot test just to be sure.

Posted : April 19, 2014 6:28 pm
(@Mindi Kellaway)
New Member Guest

It could be a reaction to the SLS in the shampoo. Quite a few people on here co wash or use sulfate free shampoos, partly to help minimize fade, but some, like Janine,  because of intolerances and sensitivity to the harsh SLS in ordinary shampoos.

Posted : April 19, 2014 7:36 pm
New Member Guest

Ah - thank you so much! Didn't think about the shampoo. I've got the directions pre colour one. Maybe that's what it is. Not good but a part of me is going phew about the colour!

Any suggestions on treatments to soothe the itching?!

Posted : April 19, 2014 7:57 pm
New Member Guest

I'm not sure if it's available where you live but there is a product called Scalpicin. You can also try braid spray, which is usually available in the African hair section of shops.

Posted : April 19, 2014 8:12 pm
(@Wicked Pixie)
New Member Guest

My scalp also reacts like that to SLS shampoos, it seems worse now I CO wash and only use SLS before I dye. I usually find rubbing coconut oil into my scalp soothes the itching and sore spots.

Posted : April 19, 2014 9:44 pm