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Natural Cool Semis

New Member Guest

I'm loving my blonde, but I'm not sure it's as 'natural' looking as I'd like.  When it's freshly bleached (i.e., root touch-ups), it is golden pale, and some areas of course end up whiter/lighter than others.  But then I tone, and the best toner is Pravana Silver, but it's still adding colour which tends to turn the whiter areas - not silver, but - what seems "bluer".

If I weren't part of this forum, I'd probably not think twice about buying some light ash blonde box dye, which I'd say would give the effect that I'm after, but it would compromise the condition of my hair at the moment with the gawd-know-what-strength peroxide!

Is there anything you know of that would give a similar effect, like a cool blonde or even light cool brown semi that I could dilute and tone with?  I've only spotted on Adore dye in golden brown, and most others I've seen are golden/warm tones, so those won't do.  Last weekend, I bought Crazy Color Natural Blonde, but I can't even find that online to show you a swatch!  It looks quite neutral though, so I may test strand that one.

Just thought I'd ask... thanks πŸ™‚

Posted : April 22, 2014 6:05 pm
(@Wicked Pixie)
New Member Guest

Have you tried the Jerome Russell toners? They are fairly new as are the Live XXL toner mousses, they have a platinum and a champagne blonde.
Roux makes good wash in wash out mousse  toners as well, there are a few brands you can get at Sallys. Wella do a range of natural semis, I think it is Colour Touch. Some types of semis/demis can also be used without peroxide as a toner/true semi.

Posted : April 22, 2014 7:27 pm
New Member Guest

I actually have the Jerome Russell Platinum in my cupboard πŸ˜€ ... but it looked a bit watery, so I didn't think it would do much.  I will try it next!

I've eyed those Roux mousses at a local posh beauty supply shop, so I'll give those another look.  And knowing me, I will definitely check out the Wella Colour Touch too.  I've heard so much about Wella, so I'll treat myself to a visit to Sally's to have a good nosy at their selection.

Thanks so much, Wicked Pixie, you've always got a solution :-*

Posted : April 22, 2014 8:14 pm
(@Wicked Pixie)
New Member Guest

Haha, sign of a mis-spent youth πŸ˜‰

Posted : April 22, 2014 11:09 pm
New Member Guest

Ha ha ha πŸ˜€

They are fairly new as are the Live XXL toner mousses, they have a platinum and a champagne blonde.

Just noticed these today at my local Boots - I originally thought they'd be wash-in/wash-out, but they're not, they look like proper toners that last "up to 28 washes".  Another option to try!

EDIT 24/04/2014 TO ADD:

I don't know what I thought I read, but just to correct yesterday's post, after looking at the box again, the XXL mousse lasts for "up to 3 washes".  I thought I saw 28... and even then, it's normally 28 days.  So ignore my last post!


Posted : April 23, 2014 5:29 pm