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muted pink ombre - I bleached too high/strong - how to cover

New Member Guest

Hi guys

So... I've been wanting to do a pink ombre, but not bright pink, something more like Valaina's hair

I used to have pink hair as a teenager (10 years ago) and dyed/bleached my hair myself back then so I thought I knew what I was doing. I didn't do a strand test. Bad, I know...

I bought 20 volume dev and diluted it or so I thought to 10 and 15, put the 15 on about 10cm and 15 for another 10. The thing is, I blended them both midway but I had put way more 15 at the bottom because i wanted very light tips to have bright pink at the end but not in the middle. So the 15 probably went too high. Plus I used the same brush for both. Since I thought I had 10 at the top I didn't blend it with my natural hair enough. I left it for about 45mn. I thought since it was not high volume I had to leave it longer and I was excited about bleaching and scared it wouldn't work since being low volume.

In short, I have bleached my hair way too high and too much (except at the tips) and it's not at all ombre, more like some badly done dip dye with a hard edged separation. (sorry pic is really crappy and I have just woken up. The blond is lighter in real life, so is my natural colour. Blond is a level 9, natural colour at top level 6 or 5/6)

What I am wondering is how to give the middle section a look of naturalish light brown topped with muted pink (what I originally intended to do if I had not bleached like crazy πŸ™ ).

I will be using a similar mix to Valaina for the bottom (diluted dark tulip, poppy red, touch of cerise) so initially thought in the middle I would use the same mix less diluted, so darker, to have a regular dark to light transition from top of head to tips. But I think it will look too strong and high chroma for my taste. I want something really vintage and faded looking, ideally something at the brightest kind of like the second pic except with a slower transition like in the third one.

So for the middle section I'm wondering if, to darken+mute it I can mix my pink mixture either :

- with a semi permanent natural colour (adore honey brown?) but wondering if it will look browny-orange over my yellow hair

-or with a complementary colour to that pink like a bit of dark green to darken and cancel the brightness of the pink

Also maybe I can put less red and more purple in my mix... AAh, I'm lost! If anyone has ideas I would love to hear them....

of course strand tests will be done this time...

Posted : June 20, 2014 6:05 am
New Member Guest

my hair colour is closer to this right now

I imagine I should use a toner to start with, or my hair will turn orange when I add the pink?

Posted : June 20, 2014 3:45 pm