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Mixing colours - wondering about end result?

New Member Guest

Hey guys,

Currently have Atlantic blue (slightly faded) hair... Generally I top it up when needed but have let it fade a tad longer than usual and have an urge to put a bottle of Crazy Colour Fire in it for an experiment...

Before I experiment - I thought I would check for others experience. Has anyone done this and what was the colour result? πŸ™‚

I am used to dying my hair and experimenting but I know Fire is in particular a strong colour, definitely stronger than Blue. I also know it depends on my hair porosity etc. I have super porous hair :O

I suppose my overall question is would it mix to a random purple (I'd love that) or would the Fire over power the blue and I'd be a redhead (Wouldn't hate that but I'm not a massive fan of red and I just spent the last year Fifth Element orange and don't want to go back so soon)? Any help with experience or suggestions is welcomed πŸ˜€

Thanks in advance πŸ˜€ x  *waves*

Posted : April 3, 2014 9:55 pm
(@Wicked Pixie)
New Member Guest

Atlantic blue usually fades greenish/turquoise, I think Fire is quite an orangey toned red. (I haven't used it for a long time, but it used to fade orange i think) I don't think you would get a nice purple from that mix. Orange and blue create brown, as do red and green, so i think you would get a muddy result. If you want to put something over the faded blue to get a purple, you need to use a cool toned pink. I have made some lovely purples putting various deep pinks over blues and turquoises. Blue and red make a sort of burgundy purple shade, not a Cadbury type of purple.

Posted : April 3, 2014 11:10 pm
New Member Guest

Yeah I'm pretty turquoise atm to be honest... πŸ™

I did use something previously and it turned purple but I can't remember which dye it was at all...

Definitely don't want a icky brown colour so may refrain from touching the Fire dye then !

Thanks for the advice πŸ˜€

Posted : April 3, 2014 11:24 pm
(@Wicked Pixie)
New Member Guest

Try diluting the Fire with white conditioner to see if it goes pink or orange, if it is pink you could try a strand test. I would go for something like Cerise or Rose Red ideally.

Posted : April 3, 2014 11:32 pm
Famed Member Registered

I think CC Fire is pink and Directions Fire is orange?  The reviews in The colours that hair dyes fade to... thread say that CC Fire fades "pinky/peachy" (which may be pink over a light ginger/yellow base) and Directions Fire is definitely an orange fade.

The easiest way to check the base is to put a small drop of the colour on a white sheet of paper and smear it with a gloved finger or cotton bud.  The colour in the smeared section will be the base colour.

Mixing dyes is just like mixing paints--you have to pay attention to the colour wheel, and base colour matters.  Like Wicked Pixie said, orange and blue makes mud, but a pink and blue would be pretty.  Also, you can do the paper test for a mix, if you have any of your blue left.  Just do a drop of each, mix it up to see what the initial colour would be like and smear it to see what the fade would potentially be.

Posted : April 4, 2014 6:02 am
Trusted Member Registered

Cc fire went really peachy when i started force fading, i thought it was orange based till i remembered i had only bleached to ginger lol! I think its definitely pink based though

Posted : April 4, 2014 2:07 pm
New Member Guest

Thanks everyone!

Now I'm tempted to pop it in! Although going to try that paper test on the CC Fire first.

I did have just CC Fire in a few summers ago and it was intense but can't remember how it faded really.

These replies are really helpful πŸ˜€ Thanks!

Posted : April 4, 2014 6:33 pm
(@Wicked Pixie)
New Member Guest

Try it on a strand test for just a few minutes. That way if it looks dreadful it will shampoo out.

Posted : April 4, 2014 7:07 pm
New Member Guest

Did the paper test and the Fire seems much more pink than I thought it would be... Strange because I thought it was orangey... Hmmmm...

May do a strand test on one bit and see how it turns out.... shall let yous know πŸ˜€

Thanks everyone!

Haha Wicked Pixie - Great minds think alike πŸ˜‰

Did a wee strand test on a cut off piece of hair and it looked awesome with bright blue one end and with the Fire on the other end it turned into a shocking violet purple πŸ˜€ wooo!

So I currently have it in tinfoil in the ends of my hair πŸ˜€ Yippee!

Thanks everyone for the advice and help πŸ˜€

Thanks everyone! You were awesome help πŸ˜€

Just thought I'd post update - hair is great πŸ˜€ Lighting is a tad dark but it is super purple/ violet πŸ˜€

Moderator combined several posts.  Please use the "Modify" button in the top right of the post if you have more to add and no one has commented since your last post.

Posted : April 4, 2014 10:13 pm