Hi everyone,
In December I dyed over my Napalm Orange hair with Adore Medium Brown. It came out very dark, but has slowly been fading. I love the colour it is at the moment in incandescent light, but when I went out today (for the first time in a long time) it had a slight yellowy/greeny tint.
Just wondering how to fix this, would a round of diluted Medium Brown make it bit browner? I don't want it to go dark again! I don't have many options as I have to travel to the UK on Monday for a funeral, and I only have Napalm Orange to hand (and Adore Aquamarine, but that would be no help!)
Thanks for reading!
Way too late to be any help now, but I mixed adore paprika and directions turquoise to make a warm auburn brown so you might be able to mix something with the napalm and the aquamarine that passes for brown!