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Lilac to silver ombre help

New Member Guest

My hair is currently white/pale lilac/yellowy roots. I'm bleaching my roots next weekend and I've found recently that my roots just aren't lightening like they used to. An hour long 30vol on my roots is lifting to a mid yellow and occasionally slightly more orange tinged and I can't carry on bleach bathing straight after a full bleach, even sleeping in Directions white toner doesn't lighten the yellowy tones.

So I've decided to go a slightly darker lilac at the root in a hope to cover the yellow and somewhat tone it and fade it into pale lilac then into silver. My question is, will mixing Directions silver into lilac give me a greyer lilac tone or will it do nothing?

I get these ideas for colours I think will look cool but actually executing that plan is another thing all together!

Thanks in advance.

Posted : March 21, 2016 6:59 pm
Famed Member Registered

If the yellow stays too yellow, it'll never really tone to a pale silver. You could get a darker silver.

Have you started using a new bleach? Anything else different?

Is it winter where you are? It can make a huge difference!

Posted : March 21, 2016 7:11 pm
New Member Guest

It's only my roots that stay yellow, the rest is paper white and will take on lilac so easily.

I use Matrix Lightmaster and a generic 30vol peroxide from Sally's. Last time I went to a salon and they did a worse job than I would do on my own which was a massive pain!

It is winter here at the moment but warming up now, last time it was done was middle of winter. The water where I used to live was very hard too, it's softer here where I've moved to.

I'll be doing the roots a darker lilac but I'm wondering if I can get the lilac to have a greyish tinge if I mix lilac and silver together or whether it'll make no difference.

Posted : March 21, 2016 7:31 pm
Famed Member Registered

It could be the difference in the water, but lack heat is also very likely. I've also had hairdressers do a terrible job at lightening my hair enough as well.

Do you overlap a little when you bleach your roots? That can be enough to turn the bit just past the roots to turn pale enough for white, but the roots to be too yellow. I tend to have this problem too.

I've never done silver, so I'm not really sure. But as I said, it might not go silvery if it's too yellow. It'll just get more ashy beige unless you go heavy on the lilac and it goes purple. Unless it's a darker silver, you won't get a grey tone. Well, I'm speculating as I've never actually done it. So you can try, but I think silver would be very tough on any yellow tones.

Posted : March 21, 2016 7:51 pm
Prominent Member Registered

directions silver does cover some yellow but i would need to see a picture to tell you for sure. I am not sure about mixing them as they are such different colors. the lilac might not look nice if mixed with the silver but you can do a strand test and start with maybe a pea sized blob of silver and add more if you need.

Posted : March 21, 2016 9:02 pm
(@Wicked Pixie)
New Member Guest

Directions silver is just a very light blue rather than a true silver/grey shade. Mixing it into lilac won't create a silvery lilac.
Using a truer silver like pravana silver or Nirvel grey will though.
If you want the lilac to be more grey toned you actually need to add yellow (think of how lilac dyes tone yellow blondes)

Posted : March 21, 2016 9:39 pm