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Is this an allergic reaction to hair dye??

New Member Guest

Hey guys!

For a while I've been wanting to lighten my eyebrows. I tried using facial bleach a few times but there were some hairs left black and some blonde (or red!).

So I mixed 20 vol developer with light ash blonde hair colour and it turned out too dark. The next day I tried again with 30 vol developer and a golden blonde and it turned out perfect! But an hour later I woke up with hives on my arms, torso and thighs, but nothing on my face, head or neck... The hives disappeared in the morning.

Is this a reaction to the dye or could it be something else?

(I know dyeing eyebrows with hair dye isn't smart but I made sure I was careful to not let it drip down.)

Thanks guys  <3

Posted : April 19, 2014 11:10 pm
New Member Guest

I've got absolutely no experience with allergic reactions to products, but - how odd!

Have you used the same products on your hair without reactions?

I would only assume that perhaps - because the products you used are not meant for the face (you know this!) πŸ˜€ - oh, I don't know, but would the chemicals have been absorbed into your skin differently than if they were used properly?

I know so many people with skin sensitivities, but I don't tend to react, so that is my only thought of what could have happened... hope you're better and don't plan to try anything like that again.


Posted : April 23, 2014 5:34 pm