So I need a job.Decided what the heck,might as well just go back to norm colored hair.So my hair was blonde,I wanted to dye it medium brown but forgot the last time I tried that,it turned light grey.This time it turned a sorta dark ashy blonde color and my hair can't afford to keep getting dyed over.If I try to dye it medium brown,would it work or...
You should use a direct dye such as adore. They are non-damaging and the colour usually requires less upkeep than box dyes.
I've recently dyed mine mid brown (but with a bit of an auburn tint) I used Adore dyes but they needed up every few days so I put a permanent brown on (I used wella koleston) and I keep that fresh with adore dyes now- it seems like the permanent brown 'stuck' better over the adore (I used mahogany ) and the adore sticks better over the permanent brown than it did over bleach but not sure what to do if you don't want a warm/ gingery brown. I'd bear in mind your condition too though, mine was only ever bleach bathed once, I never overlapped it when I touched up my roots, but the condition feels a bit nasty now!