So I've been pining for some black in my hair again despite spending almost a year getting rid of it back in 2011. What can I say, my inner goth just loved my black hair. But I want the ability to go for some colour again afterwards. Since my hair is in such good condition now, I don't want to risk a permanent dye. So I have some questions:
1) How hard is it to more or less completely shift veggie black once you decide it's not for you anymore? I don't mind a once over bleach or bb, but I don't want to have to do it multiple times.
2) How long does it last? I used Ebony years ago but I think the formula has changed now. I mean how long does it stay a real, true black, not the yucky colour I remember it fading to.
3) Which dyes would people recommend? I'm thinking Directions Ebony but happy to consider others too!
4) Which ones are purple based and which are green based?
Many thanks!
from Mouse.
I found Ebony pretty hard to get rid of. But for me it also wouldn't stay. It kept going sort of dark blue, which is odd since it's green based. But when I did fade it on purpose, and even withbleaching, it stayed green for aaaaaages.
Might you be better off using a permanent black dye? At least then you know a dose or two of Colour B4 will get it back to normal. It's what I wished I did for my cruella now
EDIT: I had a similar problem to yours, creamsoda. I found it faded to green super quick, but when I actually wanted it to leave it stained this horrid bright green/cyan that still hasn't totally shifted.
I don't really have any advice on the semis as I've not used them... but what about doing a portion of your hair permanent black and keeping a section just for bright colours? That's what I've recently done and I just love it! Best of both worlds, maybe? π
well if i remember correctly you want to go green soon. so ebony is green based. when you're bored change it to green =D yay!
but they're hard to shift the veggies i'm afraid =(
I don't know about lasting, but I know crazy colour black is brown based, so would be a bit of a nicer fade - maybe look up experiences of it?
I think everyone goes through the 'I want black again' phase!
I found the opposite to what the others are saying. On my hair it lasted really long black, much longer than manic panic raven. And when i faded it , it did go a tiny bit green but i easily shifted it with some purple shampoo and head and shoulders washes and it went a beautiful silver color.
I don't want to use a permanent black because I found it so hard to shift before. I plan to go back to blonde/brown eventually because I want to work in academia, so I'd like to keep my base as light as I can. I do want to go green at some point so thought that maybe if I went black now I could fade it like Pippa suggested with minimal effort? Last time I used ebony it washed out really quickly but as I say, I think they've changed the formula now so...
Eurgh it's so hard, I'm pining for some black but I spent so long getting rid of it in the first place that I'm terrified of doing it again. :/
That's odd, I found all my permanent black shifted perfectly with one dose of Colour B4. And this was after about 4 years of XXL too!
I think my hair must just be really porous. I straighten it a lot and it's very fine and curly anyway, so it damages easily.
I'm not sure, it's been bugging me for days but I'm sure veggie blacks is what NixVix is having a bad time trying to remove. What if you incorporated some black into your hair so you can keep your colours and still have some black you crave? You could probably come up with some pretty funky placements with your hawk.
I have occasional black cravings too. I usually resist and they go away again after a few weeks and I'm always mightily relieved I've never caved.
I'm having a black hair craving right now (the girl who sits next to me at work has awesome, thick, long black hair) I've managed to resist so far...not sure how long it will last π
I had a minor black craving at the beginning of the year, thankfully I'm so pale that if I did follow it through I probably would look dead.
I am very pale too but I really, really suit black hair. My mother - who is uber-uber-conservative when it comes to looks etc. - loves me with black hair and nags me all the time to dye it black again. (Bah.)