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Help! Blue or purple?

New Member Guest

My "dilemma", short version:

- I have a big event on Wednesday
- Right now I have about an inch of roots (I'm trying to grow my hair, so I bleach my hair as sparsely as I can)
- I can deal with the roots and just put some color in my hair so it looks a bit livelier
- The plan after that is to go blonde enough so I can do a color like lagoon blue/sky blue

The problem here being if I use a more pink purple, will my hair will get stained with a color that will detriment the process of going to pale yellow?

I did try one of the blues I have (Lagoon Blue) and it turned green, which I'm also unsure is a good idea if I do want to go blonde afterwards. The "blue" in the picture is what apparently happens when you mix a spoon of Plum with a drop of Capri Blue and lots of conditioner.

Pic below for reference. Colors I have: Capri Blue, Sky Blue, Lagoon Blue, Lilac, Hot Purple and Plum

Posted : April 1, 2014 12:23 am
Noble Member Registered

I think a blue based purple is probably a better idea to avoid staining, but I'm sure someone else here can give you more detailed advice, as I don't have much experience with blonde.

Posted : April 1, 2014 12:02 pm
New Member Guest

When I had lagoon blue in it would go out very easily back to blonde. I didn't try a colour remover, but it was almost blonde when I used a light BB to even my base and all blue was gone. What remaimed was the pink that I had mixed in a tiny bit. So I'd say lagoon is safe (it went greenish for me too).

Posted : April 1, 2014 3:37 pm