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Directions Plum + Rubine mix ? - Done & FAIL

New Member Guest

Hey all πŸ™‚

I'm newbie at hair dye. I've been dreaming about red/purple hair for years, and so I ordered 1 Rubine and 2 Plum (my hair is long). But I don't know how to mix it, what proportions, and if I should add conditionner ?
My hair :
They're natural, and i don't wish to bleach.
My dream : or   *loveeyes*

Well, I hope someone will help me πŸ™‚

Have a nice day

- Lisa

Posted : June 16, 2014 10:17 am
Noble Member Registered

I have a friend who put straight Rubine over her medium brown hair and got something near your first inspiration picture. It won't last as long over natural hair as it would bleached, so you could do a very quick bleach bath just to open up the hair cuticles rather than to go for a lot of lightening - maybe 5 minutes? Or just redye frequently like she does!

Posted : June 18, 2014 10:00 am
(@Wicked Pixie)
New Member Guest

Rubine lasts really well on unbleached hair, better than most Directions dyes IME. The final result will depend on your natural colour though. Rubine starts off a deep purplish red but fades pink, Plum starts off a very dark purple and fades blue, so you will have to experiment with the proportions. I would start with the Rubine and add tiny amounts of Plum. I would also add some conditioner to the mix to prevent rub-off and staining.

Posted : June 18, 2014 11:11 am
New Member Guest

Hey girls πŸ™‚

So finally i had to use the 2 boxes of Plum and 1 of Rubine. If I had known i would have buy only Rubine following ur advice, but it was already bought. Well the result was something really dark, maybe due to Plum ? After some washes, it's like dark, very dark purple (bright at sun) on roots, but the rest of hair are getting some dark greenish blue... Very weird...
I already wash them 8 times and it's still very dark. I like it, but not the greenish that is showing up now...
I'm thinking about dying with a Rose red box, to lighten it ?

Idk, waiting for ur advice πŸ™‚

- Lisa

Posted : July 7, 2014 11:12 am
Famed Member Registered

It's gone greenish because Plum is heavily blue based now, and that's mixing with the golden tones in your hair (blue and yellow make green).

A pink dye won't brighten it up, but it will help make the blue/green purple, so I'd go with something like Rose Red or Virgin Rose all over the top of what you have now.

Posted : July 13, 2014 7:18 am
Noble Member Registered

Rose red would definitely help to sort out the dark blue/green tones and make a more true purple. I did this once when I had accidentally dyed my hair dark greeny blue.

Posted : July 13, 2014 4:30 pm
New Member Guest

Thanks for ur replies πŸ˜€
i've ordered a rose/red box, i'll tell u about the result !

- Lisa

Posted : July 15, 2014 8:40 am