*Dilemma*. I currently have purple (Directions diluted mix of Violet & Plum) hair, however this week I am going to paint my new bedroom wall purple...do I really want the same colour hair as a wall?
So, as I am now a proper grown up well into my 40th year, with a proper house/family/job etc is it time to ditch the dyes and eventually go gracefully into adulthood and go back to a semi-normal natural(ish) colour or stick with it and keep on living my colourful life as we know it??
Either way, I think I need a change from purple but not sure which way to go now! :-/
A xXx
Only go back to natural shades if that is what you are feeling. Age has nothing to do with it IMO, (nor the colour of your walls lol)
I am 45 now, not sure i will ever be a 'proper grown up' though lol
Never really understand why being grown up is about being brown (or blonde etc). I'm 43 in a couple of months and I just don't care to be brown. And seeing as middle aged seems to be in the 50s now (my mum still seems to be middle aged at 63 according to many newspaper articles) then enjoy your youth for a decade or so longer ๐
My bedroom is teal and I have had teal hair numerous times. Just don't try and photograph it against your wall, that's the only problem I had!
I understand your dilemma on all counts. I once had lilac hair , walked into my GP surgery and they had decorated the walls and replaced the waiting room chairs to the exact shade of my hair. Was excruciating waiting to be called with everyone nudging each other ;D Im 50 this year ๐ฎ ๐ฎ Ive just had a crisis of confidence and dyed my bright nuclear red long hair to Brown. My first plan was to tone down the red for work reasons, but, went all out brown, and am in the first stages of deep regret :'( I feel dowdy right now. I kept telling myself 50 this year, pink/blue/orange/red hair.. really??? now Im thinking so what?? Ive had all colours since the 1980s
I don't think age should come into it, I've recently gone brown just coz I fancied it and people definitely take me as older than they did with my Nuclear Red and I do feel a bit dowdier it has to be said (just turned 37 and feeling every year of it at the moment!) but by the same ruling I really like it, and my hair looks healthier AND I can go incognito without strangers saying 'I saw you at such and such a place yesterday' everywhere I go!
I say if you like it, keep it - if you fancy a change, change it! You can always change it back! But don't be influenced by what you think other people will think of it (they're all too busy worrying about what you're thinking of them anyway!)
It makes me feel sad when people do things because they think they should. Your hair colour holds no bearing on what point you're at in life.
Do what makes you happy - regardless of your age. Life is far too short, so live it (happily!) whilst you can.