Ugh, this Directions plum business is annoying. I used plum on my hair today, of course hoping for purple. Bt instead I got blue/dark blue hair. It barely looks purple in sunlight. No no no. I just wanted to cry :'(
HOW can I fix this and actually get a purple tone instead of blue? I don't mind it turning into something that looks pink based, that was actually what I wanted...
Fade then add pink? Or just add pink? Is it possible to fade this new Plum???
So sad right now. I spent all day on my hair and I ended up with this.
I would just add some pink on top. Or add it to the mix when you re-dye
I agree, if you want it this dark but more purple just add a strong pink over it. Obviously you can fade it more first if you want it brighter. This happened to me once, I was going for purple and got horrid dark blue and I used rose red over the dark blue which came out lovely.
I had the same problem just a few days ago, I added Cerise on the faded colour I had from Plum. And yes you can fade it but it takes a while, I got the blue fade after one month.