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Blue/Green hair to lilac?! HELP!

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Eminent Member Registered

Currently (apart from major root growth!) I have light blue hair that fades down into a green colour at the end lengths.

I have been fading my hair from Directions Turquoise for about 3 months but i have been stuck with this colour and it isnt budging from the colour it is now.

I want to go lilac tomorrow so I was wondering what i need to do?! im a complete newbie to lilac so i need as much help as i can get.
what products do i need? and how do i do it?


My hair now

Ps excuse the face & wet hair, I just got back from work.

Moderator combined posts.

Topic starter Posted : May 15, 2014 7:57 pm
Prominent Member Registered

If it isn't budging at all, you can try adding some pink lilac over a test strand, or try a diluted cool pink, it may give you a lilac to bluey lavender gradient towards your ends. Cleo Rose goes very well over blueish greens, like a girl I saw put cleo rose over venus envy, and the venus envy was still very saturated, and it came out an awesome purple.

If though, it doesn't come out nicely, try making a paste out of bleach powder and hot water. Just start with a bunch of bleach powder in a bowl and add a little hot water (dissolves better) to it at a time to make  a paste. I would still test strand that though just to make sure it will work, but on most people it usually pulls out a lot of color.

Posted : May 15, 2014 9:04 pm
Noble Member Registered

How long can you leave that paste in for Katie? I am contemplating giving it a go this weekend (before I cut my hair off so if it all goes wrong it doesn't matter!)

Posted : May 16, 2014 9:19 am
(@Wicked Pixie)
New Member Guest

@Emily-Chameleon, I also had faded Turquoise when i first went lilac. It covered fine, and mine was greener than yours. I just mixed the lilac slightly more pink than I wanted it. Directions Lilac is very blue, you would probably be better off with diluted Lavender as it has more pink tones. I prefer to mix my own lilacs though, it gives more flexibility which is handy as you will get some turquoise every time you bleach your roots. My preferred mix was Plum (old formula) and Neon Blue, Plum used to dilute to a similar shade to Lavender so I think that would be a good substitute. If you have any Turquoise left it makes lovely purples when mixed with deep pinks, I used Rose Red but Cerise would work too.

@TabithaBlue, I did some (totally non-scientific) experiments with the bleach and hot water paste. I kept re-applying until the hair was trashed, which took about an hour. The colour didn't go much lighter though, so it is most effective in the first 10-15 minutes and it will cause damage if applied repeatedly or left on for a long time. It would be great if you could experiment further, you have a lot more hair to play with than I had. Can you keep the hair that gets cut off? If you don't want it, feel free to send it to me to experiment on lol.

Posted : May 16, 2014 11:50 am
Noble Member Registered

Haha I will try and remember to ask my hairdresser to save them!

Posted : May 16, 2014 12:01 pm
Eminent Member Registered

I don't have any pink 🙁 boo! I do have a bit of poppy red and a bit of fire?
Poppy red is pink based so would that work?

I've got colour b4 on now to try and budge a bit more of my green before I dye it.
I also have some bleach for my super long roots afterwards.

As for the lilac I have directions Plum & violet.
Should I mix them and dilute to a lighter colour?

I'm scared if getting it wrong as I have work in the morning 🙁 argh

Topic starter Posted : May 16, 2014 1:02 pm
(@Wicked Pixie)
New Member Guest

I would dilute the Violet, I don't know what the new Plum is like when diluted. Try a smidge in some white conditioner to see what it looks like, it seems to be blue based now so will possibly dilute to a pale blue rather than a lilac. Old Plum was very definitely pink based, if it goes pinky it will be ideal to mix with the violet. I would try and get some pink though, then you won't need to get any more of the blue out of your hair.

Posted : May 16, 2014 1:33 pm
Eminent Member Registered

I think I've got the old plum as I bought it earlier in the year or late last year. I will give them a test and see how they look diluted as you say 🙂

What about my roots? As they will be bleached blonde and the rest is greeny/blue. Will it look wierd?

What is lilac like over green tinged hair? Hopefully it won't go muddy?

Topic starter Posted : May 16, 2014 1:55 pm
(@Wicked Pixie)
New Member Guest

If you have old Plum I would just dilute that a lot and put it over your lengths.
I would put a bluer mix on my freshly bleached roots to match the turquoiseish band that I would always get after bleaching, then put the pinker mix over the top. If you go for a deeper/stronger lilac shade this won't be necessary.
The old turquoise won't make the lilac muddy, just more blue toned, hence my advice to use the colour already in your hair to your advantage and make a lilac by adding pink.
What sort of lilac dd you have in mind?

Posted : May 16, 2014 2:36 pm
New Member Guest

I kind of like that color

Posted : May 16, 2014 3:45 pm
Eminent Member Registered

Okay so I bleached my hair. Added the purple over the top and for the first wash it was fine.
It was a lilac/lavender colour I wanted.

Now after a few more washes the purple has gone almost completely. So annoyed.
Loads of my turquoise hair wouldn't take it so it was stupidly patchy and looked terrible.

How can I get rid of the green/blue before the purple now?
I'm so fed up of my hair it's not doing anything I want it to. Argh!

Will a bleach bath over all of my hair get rid of the green?
It needs to go. The sooner the better

Topic starter Posted : May 31, 2014 1:36 pm
(@Wicked Pixie)
New Member Guest

IME bleach just makes it greener. Try a colour remover, or other fading techniques. Then try a stronger purple mix with stronger pink tones

Posted : May 31, 2014 2:31 pm
Eminent Member Registered

I'll give that a try. What pink would you suggest?

Topic starter Posted : May 31, 2014 2:56 pm
(@Wicked Pixie)
New Member Guest

Anything that is cool toned, like Cerise, Rose Red etc, just avoid anything peachy. Are you certain you don't have the new formula Plum, that does fade very turquoise.

Posted : May 31, 2014 6:32 pm
Eminent Member Registered

I bought it early this year or late last year so I thought that I had the new plumb. But may be the new one.
I will buy some pink as soon as I get paid.

Topic starter Posted : May 31, 2014 8:30 pm
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