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black/brown veggie dye info?

New Member Guest

I've been searching for info on natural coloured veggie dyes but can't find any. I know there is black shades in Directions/Crazy colour/ Manic Panic etc, and I remember seeing more brownish shades from them years ago, but I can't find info on how they react with unbleached hair. I know they often have green or blue bases so will fade to deep green on bleached hair, but what if you put them over natural/mousey blonde hair? I'd like to temporarily go darker brown or black, but can't figure out if these dyes would be likely to ever wash out completely, or if I'd be left with a green tinge?

On a related note - Clairol used to do a box dye range called Loving Care (I think) or Glints (?) which was something like a veggie dye in that it just came in one bottle, didn't require mixing with developer, and would gradually fade out with shampooing. This is exactly what I'm looking for, but it seems these type of dyes seem to have completely disappeared from the shops in the last few years. Does anyone know why? or know of any alternative?

Posted : June 18, 2012 4:09 pm
New Member Guest

Try going into a health shop like H&B, the one near me stocks natural coloured natural dyes πŸ™‚

Posted : June 18, 2012 7:03 pm
New Member Guest

A lovely lady on LHC did an article on all the type of non-damaging dyes available, most of them natural shades. She explains and lists it here.

On a bleached base I imagine the base colour would definately shine through, so there would be hints or red or blue or green depending on the shade you used. My guess is just going off other peoples experiences with the likes of MP Raven etc

ETA: sorry misread the base colour question there. I used Adore veggie semi dye in an ash brown over my natural brown 4inch roots and the rest down to my armpits was dyed brown and when I rinsed it out it ran green from the base but my hair never looked green From the dye and it toned down the brassy ends of my hair that were dyed brown after bleach damage.

Posted : June 18, 2012 7:42 pm
New Member Guest

Thanks u guys! that link is so helpful! I didn't think to look at LHC forum. Unfortunately I don't think many of the products mentioned there are available here in Ireland.
The last time I checked in Holland & Barrett they only had permanent dyes too unfortunately. I'm wondering if some ingredient in the semi/direct dyes has been pulled or become scarce & overly expensive, or if temporary dyes have just become so unpopular that no where is stocking them anymore.

Posted : June 19, 2012 1:37 pm