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Best placement to avoid bleeding colours

New Member Guest

I have Directions Daffodil, Mandarin and Flame and love the idea of using all three at the same time. BUT, I want them to stay as separate as possible, without bleeding into one another. I imagine if they did I'd just end up mostly red.

Soooo... what do you reckon is the easiest way to place them so as to prevent bleeding into one another? I'm open to pretty much anything. My hair is almost shoulder length with a shorter side-fringe, and I wear it up often.

Any ideas, hair-genuises?  πŸ˜‰

Posted : March 4, 2014 10:47 pm
Famed Member Registered

Fire hair!  Yellow on top, then orange, then red!

Posted : March 5, 2014 1:25 pm
Prominent Member Registered

I second Intemp's suggestion. That way if they bleed some it won't really be noticeable since you're going progressively darker the further down you go with similar colors.

You could also do something like taking a round or star shaped section at the top of your head at the crown, do that yellow, do the bulk of it orange, and doing red framing your face or as an underlayer in the fringe/top panel area.

Posted : March 5, 2014 2:35 pm
New Member Guest

Thanks guys! Intemp's idea was what I was thinking of doing as it should be the easiest way of keeping the red from bleeding onto the yellow in particular. Only prob is my roots will show through sooo fast on the yellow...  *ott*

But, hey, fire hair will be worth the hassle. Thanks again girls... you're fabulous!!  *thx*

Posted : March 5, 2014 3:29 pm
Famed Member Registered

This was my version of fire hair and I'm dying (pun intended) to go back to it! The second one shows the red tips better. It looked so good I didn't care about the roots πŸ˜€

But, I've seen it the other way around too and that looked just a good, with careful washing wouldn't bleed too much. Mine was lighter at the roots because I had blue staining on the ends, so yellow wouldn't work on them.

Posted : March 5, 2014 6:02 pm
New Member Guest

Thanks for posting those pics - you look awesome! Did you backcomb areas to get the blended 'ombre' effect going from yellow to orange? If so, was it tricky? Not sure I could manage that on my own!

Posted : March 5, 2014 7:58 pm
Famed Member Registered

Actually, no, I didn't do the backcombing, it doesn't really work when you're blending 3 colours and you have short hair!

I start with the top colour, I put that all over the root area (just at the top of my head) and pull it down through to the mid lengths.

With the next colour, I start at the mid length, just applying with my fingers in a slightly haphazard yet controlled way but I don't take it to the ends. then, I'll start to run my fingers from just above that colour to just before the tips, dragging colour as I go. This starts to give a blended effect with the first colour. I just keep doing that until it looks blended nicely. I'll dip in and out of the two colours as I go pulling and blending. Though remember to wash your hands before dipping into the lighter colour. I like the colour to blend into the same height all around, so the hair around the middle of your head probably won't have the top colour on the roots at all, so you're really only concentrating on blending on the top layers of your hair.

Then I just repeat with the tips, but obviously just adding the final colour to the tips and doing the old pulling through and blending thing!

Leaving it to set is the trickiest part, but I tend to gently pull back the length as if I were going to do a low ponytail and put it in a shower cap. The last thing you want to do is pile it on top of your head!

Posted : March 5, 2014 9:24 pm
New Member Guest

Thanks for the tips! I'm excited to start now πŸ™‚

Posted : March 5, 2014 10:51 pm