Has anyone else had some odd results using adore dyes recently? I mixed Orange Blaze with Cajun Space hoping to get a nice "barely-natural" type of ginger shade, but it's turned out bright, bright red! The dyes looked a lovely burned orange when I mixed them. I even dabbed a little on some paper to check the base and came out a deep orange, more towards brown than red. I applied the dye to dirty blonde/light ginger bleached hair so I'm really stumped as to how it turned out a neony, almost pink toned red.
I currently have a whole tub of directions daffodil smooshed into my head hoping to tone it down a little. I wanted something a little more natural for job hunting, not Ronald McDonald.
Sorry to hear about that- did you buy the dye from Beeunique?
I have not heard any similar feedback about these shades but will forward your comments onto the supplier to see if anyone else is having similar issues.
the cajun spice bottle definitely was from Beeunique, the bottle of orange blaze I can't remember. Thanks for passing that on!
If you haven't managed to tone it down a bit yet, use some green π