Hi! I have been dyeing my hair Atlantic blue (Directions) for awhile (the last time was maybe 1 month 1/2) and it has now faded so it is still blue/turquoise at the tips but the rest of my hair is quite turquoise. I would like to make a test on some strands of hair and dye it Flamingo pink (Directions) right over the blue, without bleaching it. I don't want the result to be bright pink, I know it would be more purple, but I don't know a lot about dyes and I really need to know what colour it will really be. Please help me, I don't want to end up with some wacko-brownish-muddy hair ๐ฎ *nono*
Thank you!
It should make a nice purple shade.
try on a strand first to make sure you will like it