After following previous tips I have opted for sfx blue, cc pink and a stargazer violet.
Having read tons of posts I need to make a decision but would like some input please as am at hairdressers early in the morning.
My plan was coconut oil overnight then hairdressers for bleaching roots and bleach bath middle and ends. Then a mix of colour to see what happens BUT work has been so busy (overtime every day) so I haven't got the clarifying shampoo or coconut oil.
So........ if I lift the roots paler and some of the red fades does anyone have any idea what will happen if I stick the pink and blue on? Also will it help if I put in some conditioner in the colour mix or will this just make the colours paler and washed out looking? *anyone*
And why can't I upload my picture?
I'm guessing from the colours you have that you are attempting purple? You might find over the red it goes more plummy, possibly a bit muddy if the red is too orangey but you might be able to counteract this with some of the pink, it just might end up darker in that part then.