so sam & i had a mad dying session yesterday. we've wanted to mix our own dyesfor a while, so here is a bespoke rainbow ;Dthe dyes we used were
madarin+fluro glow+pillarbox red
pillar box red+mandarin+fluro glo
rose red+virgin rose
daffodil+fluro glo
spring green+apple green
turq+neon blue
turq+ fluro glo
midnight blue+neonblue
lilac+neon blue+plum
all were diluted with conditioner as well =) here is elevnty hundred pics, which doesnt pic upthe colours too well unfortunatly, but they're fairly close.
there's more on my fb as well....
That is all. :laugh:
i did rainbow dress & make up for you robyn =)
OMG!!!! its GORGEOUS!!!! absolutely stunning, I love it
You do realise tomorrow you will wake up completely bald!
As one of us will have shaved this off during the night & stolded it! Mwahaha
It's the absolute shezzam π
hahaha. genunienly lol'd at ^that^ looking forward to customers telling me i've ruined myself tomorrow =D
WOW!! So many colours.............
i love this soooooooooooooooooooooooooo much!! and i love that you made your own colous yaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
go go go pippa you know what they sayyyy
i did rainbow dress & make up for you robyn =)
*happy dance*
I well love it <3
That's incredible! I don't envy you washing it though *puzz*
pippa its stunning - you look beautiful!!
That's incredible! I don't envy you washing it though *puzz*
i was SO scared this morn! but i think CO washing is going to help. our plan B is midnight blue all over =D lolz
Amazing! I love it π
I want to watch children's reactions as you walk passed them!
I wish I had the commitment for rainbows! Jeeaaalllooous
evie's seen this and said "WOAH! Its colours! Colours hair!" haha π