So I am applying for a new job within my library district, and although they allow these hair colors, I thought for an interview I should tone it down a bit. I dyed Directions Cerise over some of my more green bits and then a mix of Cerise and some diluted SFX Deep purple (and a little apple green over the lighter bits to try and match my less bleached hair, my tones are all over the place) over the rest. I like that it blends better with my roots... and I think I like darker colors better. Think I am going to slightly shift to a more red color as I redye.
and it has faded a bit after two washes the last two photos are the most recent.
I love the way a slight sheen of green is coming through as it fades, it looks like raven feathers!
You're very sweet, I do like that as well, it makes me feel more peacocky as it fades like I meant to originally but did not have the patience to do