So I decided to go for something a bit more natural whilst I try to grow out my hair a bit (after an incredibly scissor-happy hairdresser thinned it out beyond belief!) so that my roots aren't as visible and I'm not bleaching all the time!
I used a mix of roughly 1/2 Adore Paprika and 1/2 Adore Cajun Spice with a small amount of Directions turquoise to add a more natural brown-ish tone (thanks to Wicked Pixie for the suggestion of adding something greenish!) over a faded SFX Nuclear Red base and got this:
That's so yummy!
Looks great!
Really pretty color! 🙂
Very pretty, exactly the shade I want next time I need to go natural 😀
Thank you ladies! It's faded to a lovely ginger colour too!
I love it! Could you maybe post an update to show how the color has faded?
It faded to a lovely gingery colour. I'm getting a lot of compliments on it, even last weekend a random guy stopped me in the street to tell me I had nice hair!
I've started mixing it with less Paprika/ turquoise now for top ups as I prefer the gingery colour.
The photo in sunglasses is the fade of the original mix (about 2 weeks fade, 4 days of which was in mega hot sun on holiday), and the other photo is it topped up with a mostly cajun spice with less paprika and turquoise than last time (and with my newly dyed extensions in!)