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Turquoise and purple cruella

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Gorgeous, the two colours really pop against each other and suit you beautifully πŸ™‚

Posted : August 4, 2013 5:53 pm
New Member Guest

Thank you ladies, your comments made my day  *thx*

Today I like this combo a bit more but I am still unsure if I think this suits me as all of you so lovely said.
I think I'm not the person for cool toned colours. So that may be the reason why my family told me the green was better.
For me it's funny enough to hear them saying  "green" is the better haircolour...  *rofl*

missjoey: a pastel one of this colours will look great I think but pastels are one of these things I think I will never achieve because I can't get my hair light enough for this. I'm curious about your results.

Just what I think.
Sometimes my husband is a bit annoyed (I say it with his words) that I don't give a f**k of what he said about changing my haircolour so often. He don't like this. But I colour my hair since I'm thirteen. It's been fifteen years now. I think this is a part of me and sometimes this is a thing what makes me a bit sad. I know it's hard to understand for someone who never changed his haircolour in anyway but I don't want him to understand, just to accept.

Posted : August 5, 2013 6:06 am
Famed Member Registered

That's interesting, because I wouldn't have called the green warm toned. Maybe I'm wrong though πŸ™‚

Posted : August 5, 2013 7:10 am
New Member Guest

They mean this one I have in my avatar, it's the iguana green. Correct me if I'm wrong but for me it's a warm toned one.

Posted : August 5, 2013 7:18 am
Famed Member Registered

It's hard to judge from that picture really, because your skin tone doesn't look like it could possibly be your skin tone, but the green doesn't look warm toned at all to me.

Edited to add, actually, I think it's right on the edge. If there's more yellow in it than it looks to me here, then maybe it is warmer toned. To me, anything other than olive greens look cool to me.

Posted : August 5, 2013 7:29 am
New Member Guest

Akina I'm sorry, that sounds like a really awkward situation to be in - you are expressing your personality through changing your hair colour but your husband is getting annoyed that his opinion isn't relevant. Have you tried explaining to him that you do take his opinion on board, but its not that easy to switch between colours so you want to keep this one awhile to see if it grows on you both? If not you'll try a different colour (and you never know he might like the next one more than the green?)

It is hard I know, because you don't want him to think his opinion is irrelevant, but by the same token it is your hair to do what you please with.

Posted : August 5, 2013 7:31 am
New Member Guest

Beautiful mix πŸ™‚

Posted : August 5, 2013 9:24 am
New Member Guest


Yes, I tried my best to explain him and I think he understood that I can't go back to green again and have to wait some time.
I think it's not the colour changing itself what's the problem, I think it's more that because of that I don't have a "consistend look". And perhaps the fact that I don't ask him before changing colour. But it's my hair, isn't it? I mean, it's up to me what I do with my hair.

Posted : August 5, 2013 9:28 am
Famed Member Registered

My boyfriend gets a bit fed up with me changing so often. He's ok with it changing and never complains about a colour (though I know he's not liked some), but it bothers him that it changes so often. I don't know why and I don't think he knows why either. He definitely doesn't like it when he comes home and I'm a different colour but forgot to tell him, or I decided on a whim to do it. So maybe do try talking to him before hand, so at least he feels like he has an input even if you don't go with what he says?

Posted : August 5, 2013 9:39 am
New Member Guest

janine, the picture in my avatar doesn't show my right skin tone because it's edited.

I have brown eyes with some green and orange sprinkles in there and my skin tone is like a light brown to olive tone. My hair normally is a mid to dark brown.

I told him before I did it, I just told him not that it would be an other colour combo  *puzz*
But if so, I think that wouldn't have changed something about his opinion.
I said to him "darling, you should be lucky about that because you always have 'another' woman every few weeks"  *rofl*

Posted : August 5, 2013 9:40 am
Famed Member Registered

janine, the picture in my avatar doesn't show my right skin tone because it's edited.

I have brown eyes with some green and orange sprinkles in there and my skin tone is like a light brown to olive tone. My hair normally is a mid to dark brown.

lol no, I gathered that πŸ˜€ But it makes it hard to judge the hair colour too. There's so much added yellow on your skin, I was assuming the green was less yellow in reality (though to me it still looks cooler even with added yellow).

It's all moot in the end though if you don't feel comfortable. How about making the purple side more red  and the blue side more yellow green? Maybe making them warmer might help?

Posted : August 5, 2013 9:44 am
New Member Guest

Ooooh I really like it! And it does really suit you! I think you may feel unsure about it because it's so different from the color you had before but just give yourself time to get used to it, because it really is lovely. πŸ™‚ Whenever I change my hair color I always need a little time to get used to it.

I don't think your husband and family meant to upset you, although I do agree that it's not an especially nice way to put it. O_O My mom has always loved purple hair on me, and I don't really do purple hair anymore, and she always likes whatever I do to my hair either way, but sometimes she'll say "This is beautiful! I really liked the purple though" but I know she means well. πŸ™‚ Then again, I haven't lived with my mother in over 12 years so I guess it's easier to deal with in my case. πŸ˜‰

I would be upset too if my boyfriend/husband commented on my hair, but I guess, like Janine said, maybe just give him a heads up next time, and (pretend to) ask for his opinion so he can feel included, but still do whatever you want in the end. "I think I'm gonna do blue today, what do you think? Yeah I think blue's good" and then waaaalk away and do the thing. πŸ˜‰

Posted : August 5, 2013 10:15 am
Trusted Member Registered

I think your new hair colours look really brilliant πŸ™‚ they pop and i'm totally jealous.
I think your current hair colours really suit you.
And i hope that you'll like it to in time or get a different hair colour that you like and feel more comfortable with.
I know i hate having my hair coloured in a way i'm uncomfortable with, it drives me crazy.
Till i finally recolour to something i like.

Posted : August 8, 2013 2:07 am
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