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Pastel cruella yay! :D

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πŸ™‚ thanks  it was very hard to upkeep too, think it lasted maybe 2 weeks. But I loved it at the time xx

Posted : September 23, 2013 11:30 pm
Estimable Member Registered

<3 <3 this is so lovely.

Posted : November 25, 2013 6:06 pm
New Member Guest

<3 <3 this is so lovely.

πŸ™‚ thank you

Posted : November 27, 2013 11:13 pm
New Member Guest

I really love this super a lot! I don't have the guts to get to white but I'm loving pastel more and more!! -__-

Posted : December 3, 2013 1:38 pm
New Member Guest

I really love this super a lot! I don't have the guts to get to white but I'm loving pastel more and more!! -__-

πŸ™‚ thanks. maybe try some hair extension pastel streaks in your hair to give you a pastel fix πŸ˜›

Posted : December 6, 2013 9:48 am
New Member Guest

Yea, I have one strand I bleached more than the others and it has the most vibrant pinky purple (since it wasn't diluted) and I looooveee it. The rest looks so dark compared! I'm wondering if I can just keep bleaching the roots and wait for it to grow lol. My hair is dark. πŸ™ Any tips on getting to white? Just sloowwly bb? And diluting the dye to get the accurate pastel? Thanks! πŸ™‚

Posted : December 6, 2013 3:16 pm
New Member Guest

yep thats pretty much it, its just the waiting that gets annoying, and the horrid yellow shades in between, it took me almost a year to go from box red to pastel, and even though i was doing it gradually i still had to cut a good few inches off because the ends were so stained and wouldn't lighten anymore. after all that it was still patchy in certain spots. x

Posted : December 6, 2013 3:48 pm
New Member Guest

Thanks, yea. I think in about 2 months I'll try a color remover and go from there. I was a gingery yellow blonde when I dyed it and it was nice but then, idk it seems to have gotten muddy. In about 2 months I'll have roots again and so I'll color remove than start bb. It's going to be tricky since I have blonde roots now, and I'll have to try and keep the bleach very carefully sectioned until I can be more even and fully bb. Ugh. Do I *have* to get to white? I just don't know if it's possible on me. I'm ok with not super pastel, but I need to get a brighter base for sure. If I get to a lighter blonde that's less yellow, I'm hoping it would be ok. Is there a trick for getting yellow out? I know when it's super light you can violet tone, but I mean before that stage, only more bb? Did you do it weekly? Sorry for all the qs! lol

Posted : December 6, 2013 4:05 pm
New Member Guest

no you shouldn't bleach to white, you should get to pale yellow and then tone. thats the only way to get to the stage you need, every time you bleach you will need to tone it so the yellow isn't so bright.
I did BB every week for about a month then i just got annoyed at doing my hair all the time, so i did them every 2-3 weeks maybe. you definitely need to get some blue and purple shampoo, which i found easier than mixing up a toner every time.

Posted : December 6, 2013 5:52 pm
New Member Guest

Ohh every time!? I didn't know that. I thought you only tone when you are ready to 'stop' bleaching.  Do you recommend any violet or blue toners? Or which I should use? I have the blonde roots as I mentioned and I really like it πŸ™‚ I was thinking *maybe* to make them a light light diluted pinkish for now but I'm so afraid it will come out too dark. πŸ˜› But maybe a violet shampoo might help?? Maybe I'll pick up a joico when the time comes. Do you recommend shampoo or conditioner? I'm sure I could play around to make a violet conditoner. I have a dark blueish purple that might do. (I'd test it first) Do you use them on each half to keep the color up as well (now that it's pastel?)

Posted : December 6, 2013 6:08 pm
New Member Guest

oh I'm not pastel anymore xD i fancied a change so dyed it turquoise! πŸ˜€

But yes, you use it every time to tone down the colour and make it look more natural rather than than bright yellow. Its definitely easier to make up your own and cheaper too and use the purple shampoo in between. so maybe use the mixed up conditioner toner every 2 weeks and purple shampoo in between.
I used to use provoke silver shampoo during bleaching and after too, but i'm not sure if thats available in America, i know everyone raves about Shimmer Lights and Loreal do one too.

definitely try the diluted pink, dilute it a lot and see how it comes out, if its too light try it a little bit darker. i know pastel pinks are easier to achieve than purples they come out more even for some reason.

what i used to do is get 2 litre bottles of white conditioner put a tiny bit of dye in at a time (pink in  one and blue in the other) and shake them till they mixed easily and were my desired colour. than if i felt my colour was fading they were there ready to use in advance. i still had to wash then part my hair which is a bit tedious.. but if your all one shade, you can go in the bath, wash your hair, put some of your pre made dye on your hair and continue with your bath,  then rinse off. easy! πŸ™‚ and use the purple shampoo in between redoes to keep it looking icy πŸ™‚

Posted : December 6, 2013 7:20 pm
New Member Guest

Ok cool! πŸ™‚ Yea I  like it now too! I don't imagine my hair ever being one color! Lol. I diluted some red and violet dye to make both and they seemed a pretty shade, but I don't think did much on my dark blonde bleach areas. πŸ˜› I also mixed the two and tried that on a section as well. I'm kind of disappointed though. I think because my roots are too dark yellow. It really did noottthiing. Right below the roots is a lighter area where I had bleached before my hair grew, and that got lightened again and it's such a nice color. Right under that is like orangey pink from the dye getting bleached out and then my color I had dyed. The only one that made a little of a change was the violet, and only slightly. I think my roots may be a little dark because it only really changed that lighter blonde below the new growth and I'm not sure if I want to cover that, as I like it. So I did it again over the same spots, same color just a little stronger. Now at least I can see it lol. But yea, I def need to get lighter. As for now I'm not sure what I'll do with the roots. I think I'll post a pic in the hair dye section and see what people think. That way I won't keep hogging up your post lol.

Posted : December 6, 2013 10:54 pm
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