I agree they're halloween colours, but I also think they're summery as they remind me of fruity ice lollies etc π
lovely combination, it does remind me of halloween!
This is really cool, the inverted fringe really makes it i think
Guh, thanks guys! Sorry I haven't been on the forum lately, I cleared out my browser from everything to start anew and I forgot to add it as a bookmark. With my terrible memory that means I almost forgot about this place completely! >_< I still love you all, though.
As for the fading, the green has gone a tiiiiny bit murky, more yellowy than it would usually be, but otherwise the hair has faded as the colours would normally if they had been on their own. As expected the inverted fringe has seen the worst of the colour and the green is a bit murkier there, and they have bled the TIIINIEST of bits in the middle, where literally one itty bitty piece of hair has turned into a really weird colour that's a cross between the two. It's not pretty but the fringe is really easy to touch up and fix, so it's no problem! π
I'll post some photos if anyone wants to see exactly the shade it's gone to.